Part 2

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When Kara got back out to the park Barry was in, she took off her glasses. And sped up to the villain and punched him in the face making him stop draining energy from Barry. Blackout tried shooting electricity at Kara but it bounced right off 'he's not as strong as any of the aliens' Kara thought.

"Ouch," she said sarcastically. And punched him again, he wasn't fazed though, "Man, you just don't give up do you?"

"Never," He said in a gruff voice.

"Alrighty then, I'm just gonna have to do this the hard way," Kara said and shot him with heat vision.

He wasn't fazed, "Ouch," he said repeating the line she said earlier.

"Well fine then!" She started freezing him, he stepped back obviously fazed,
"Gotcha now," she started freezing him some more soon forming ice then shot him with heat vision turning the ice to water. It started electrocuting him and he was out in seconds.

Barry gasped sitting up quickly, he finally got most of his energy back. He looked around and saw Kara shooting Farooq Gibran with heat vision which melted ice around him. Knocking him out. Kara looked at him and ran over to him kneeling down.

"I'm sorry. He was killing you," she said, knowing what he was going to say.

He took a deep breath and shook his head, "No it's okay, it's just everyone's looking," he said and motioned to the once frantic crowd with phones out taking pictures, "Help me up?" He held his hand out. She stood up and grabbed his hand pulling him up easily. "Hopefully they'll just think your a metahuman because we don't have aliens on this earth, although it would be cool."

She nodded and walked over to Gibran, "Need help getting him to the pipeline?"

"Sure," he said, he didn't actually need help now that he gained all his strength back, but more time with Kara is all he wanted. He sped over to Gibran picking him up and over to Kara grabbing her hand. They were back at STAR Labs within seconds. And Blackout was back in the pipeline again. They were in the main Lab where they found Cisco jumping up and down like a fanboy.

"That was awesome!!!" He exclaimed,

"I think you have a new fan Kara," Caitlin said, "Two new fans," she corrected herself.

Kara blushed, "Its nothing," she said modestly.

"Nothing? You just shot lasers from your eyes and froze Blackout with your breath. And we know that you can deflect certain attacks and have super speed, what else could you do?" Cisco asked quickly as he ran up to Kara shaking her by shoulders.

Barry chuckled, "Woah Cisco, give her some space," he said.

"I'm sorry it's just too exciting!" Cisco replied.

"It's okay, Cisco bu-" Kara was cut off by the computers and tvs turning to a video again.

"Seems I've figured out how to escape your pathetic excuse for a prison, might I mention I let out a few of the metas there too," Zoom said and chuckled, "Hey, Barry I still have this," he said holding up kryptonite, "Which means your precious Supergirl is vulnerable to me."

"Why are you doing this Jay?" Caitlin asked.

Zoom chuckled, "Jay, I've always hated that name. Your so naive Caitlin, you don't even know why I'm doing this, I want The Flash's speed. And maybe even Supergirl's powers," He said slowly.

"Your not getting it, any of it," Kara declared, "not as long as I'm here anyway, you think that kryptonite would kill me, but you've tried to kill me with it twice and you know what they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger," she added.

Zoom scoffed, "I'll have enough to take your powers then Barry's then kill you both."

Kara chuckled, "You can't take powers from someone who was born with them."

Zoom looked confused, "That's not possible."

"Telling me something 'isn't possible' is a very dangerous action," she said and walked over to the keyboard of Cisco's computer and pressed a button combination to clear viruses on computers, little trick she learned from Winn. "I am this close, to finding that cave and strangling Zoom."

"Me too," Barry said. He went over to Kara and rubbed her back a little, "You thinking about them?"

She nodded, "This is hard, Barry! I'm barely containing myself, and every time Zoom shows up, I just feel like I'm gonna break," she paused, "Or kill him."

"It'll be okay, Kara," Barry reassured her.

"Are you sure? Because right now I feel a mental battle going on in my head, Kill Zoom vs Stay a hero just lock Zoom up, it's almost as if I can literally see the little angel and devil on my shoulder," Kara reasoned.

Barry looked down, "I've been having the same mental battle for almost a year, and if he goes one step further, the Kill Zoom side is gonna win."

She nodded, "You know, Barry? Somehow you always seem to make me feel better," she admitted.

He smiled, "Good because your going to be seeing a lot more of me."

Kara laughed, her cheeks pink, "Good." Barry blushed.

"Awwww!" Cisco said loudly, Kara and Barry were bright red now.

"So we need a game plan," Kara said, clapping her hands together. "Do you guys normally put together emergency plans?" she asked.

"Um, not really," Caitlin said.

"Cool, so this is new to you too. Usually if there's an emergency I just go in for it, Barry knows that," Kara said and started pacing, "any ideas?"

"Those tranquilizers somewhat seemed to work. Maybe we arm all of us and those around us with one?" Cisco suggested.

Barry nodded, "Yeah, and maybe we could make the meta human alerts come to our phones or something?" He suggested.

"Yes! Come on we gotta go get started," Cisco said running to his
workshop with Barry following.

Kara and Caitlin burst out laughing, "I love it here! Everyone else comes up with the ideas," Kara said.

"Yeah," Caitlin said.

"What time is it?" Kara asked, after she noticed there was no clock in the lab.

Caitlin checked her phone, "4:15, why?"

"No reason, it's just, a lot happens in a day here," Kara said.

"Well there's still a few hours left in the day, you wanna go shopping? So you don't have to keep wearing STAR Labs merchandise?" Caitlin suggested. "Also since you need a place to stay tonight, you could stay in my guest bedroom."

"I don't wanna intrude," Kara said.

"No, it's fine I live alone, so some company would actually be nice," Caitlin said.

"Okay, thank you, Caitlin," Kara gave in.

"Your welcome, I'm just gonna go tell Barry and Cisco," Caitlin said and left the room, she came back a few minutes later, "We're all clear, let's head out." They headed out to go shopping, heading towards Central City Mall.

Superflash vs Zoom (continued on another account)Where stories live. Discover now