Part 14

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Everything seemed slower than normal while Barry was speeding through Central. But he wasn't about to get sidetracked. Her life was on the line.

He ran faster. Too fast almost. He ran because her life depended on it. He wasn't gonna be too slow this time. He is the Flash. The fastest man alive. Alive. That word kept him from failing, knowing that if he could be fast enough he could keep her alive.

He hadn't even bothered putting his hood on. The feeling of running this fast felt odd. His hair almost flattening from the wind. It felt like the first time Zoom tried hurting Kara and he somehow was fast enough to protect her.

Barry finally saw a man in a blue-almost black- suit with the blood red hope emblem on it. He had obviously gotten upgrades considering the man and Kara's suits used to be matching.

He slowed his running but everything was still in slow motion. Even Kal-El was slower for being Kryptonian. He touched Kal-El's shoulder and suddenly the more masculine man was going the same speed.

"Allen? What the hell?!" Clark swore.

"I don't know, but Clark I need your help. Please," Barry said.

Clark glared at him curiously, "I want to know what with but I can't help anyway so what's the point."

"Kara. Sh-she's..." Barry trailed off feeling a bit out of breath. "She's dying."

Clark's eyes softened a bit. He had no idea that Zoom would do that. He assumed that all his family was safe as long as he helped Zoom. Kal-El flicked Barry's hand off his shoulder knowing that he was fast enough to keep up.

"How'd you find me?" Kal asked.

Barry looked down, "I just ran."

"Mhm. For her..."

"She doesn't deserve to die," The speedster said.

"And you don't want to lose her..."

"And I'm selfish... okay!? Is that what you wanted to hear? She needs a blood transfusion! like now!" Barry's voice rose.

Clark shook his head... Barry didn't know how the Kryptonian could be so calm. "No, that not what she needs." He took something out of a pocket, presumably in his cape. The rock was clear, almost completely see through.

He mumbled something about strength with it but Barry wasn't listening and just assumed he was protected by whatever it was because of his gloves. He broke it in half, "Don't let her touch it... but expose her to it."

"You're-you're helping?" Barry asked in disbelief, taking the rock Clark handed him.

"You're right, she doesn't deserve to die," Kal-El said... he looked as if he was starting to fade. "I can't keep going this fast for much longer. Go, save my cousin."

Barry nodded and ran off. Never in his life had he felt so accomplished. Suddenly he was back in the lab. He slowed down to human pace and placed the rock on the table near the med bed.

Her heart rate started picking up again. Caitlin's eyes widened, "She's... stable?"

"Clark told me it would reverse the effects of kryptonite," Barry said, "... or something. We just can't let her touch it."

"Let's hope it works," Caitlin stared at Barry intently noticing how he was waiting for happen. "You should go home. I'll call you if she wakes up."

"No, I'm not leaving her," he said stubbornly.

The doctor looked at Kara vitals and crossed her arms, "Barry, it's late... she's just sleeping now... probably just as tired as you are."

He hesitated, "Okay fine. But call me the second she wakes up." And he got a nod in return.

Eight hours later

Kara felt an odd tingling sensation in her fingertips. She gripped the bed sheets underneath her as she jolted up from her sleeping position.

Her powers were out-of-whack... The bed sheets were ripped when she grabbed them so furiously. Kara's eyes were switching between making her see through the building to shooting lasers out.

She was breathing heavily, a little frost coming out, wondering where she was. All Kara remembered was figuring out Kryptonite was in her bloodstream.

Am I dead? Is this the afterlife? She thought. But instantly put that aside when her eyes adjusted and she saw she was in the Med room at STAR Labs. Kara got out of bed and sped out of the building.

She didn't realize it but she flew through a blue tunnel. Lights flickering around her... and when she landed, the area around her was such a disaster that she barely even recognized her old city. Buildings were on fire, some torn down, some had people screaming inside them.

She noticed CatCo was on fire. If she were here none of this would have happened. "What have I done?"

Police officers, Firefighters, and reporters were all around the city. Reporters all had something similar coming from their mouths... "Where's Supergirl!?"

Well here I am, Kara thought, but I'm sure you weren't hoping for a Supergirl in a hospital gown.

Kara realized the crater she made in the ground when she landed. People just didn't notice because it was apparently normal in Kara's absence. National had turned into Gotham.


Yo homies what is up my dudes

Sorry. I'm a terrible updater.

Also this is a little bit trash.

But I wanted to bring National City back into the story because there was a human-or not human-that didn't meet the same fate as most of Kara's family...

And also Clark was still alive so maybe someone else is too *wink wink*.


Be back in a Flash!

Except probably not...

Superflash vs Zoom (continued on another account)Where stories live. Discover now