Part 7

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Thirty minutes
Thirty minutes till Kara had to go. And she had no idea where Barry was. She checked CCPD, she checked STAR, she even checked Jitters. Which most likely meant he was at the West household. She sped around Central City towards the West's house.

When she got there she walked up the steps slowly. 25 minutes. She knocked on the door quickly secretly hoping no one would answer, but before she could actually chicken out the door opened to reveal Iris. Kara and Iris weren't really all that fond of each other. Some things were said from Iris which Kara overheard with her super hearing.

Iris glared at her, "Hi?"

Kara looked down, "Is Barry here? I need to talk to him."

"Yeah? Bear!" Iris called.

Barry came jogging through the hallway, "Yea- Hey Kara." He said when he realized Kara was standing there.

20 minutes. "Hi, uh can we talk?" She asked.

He nodded, "Yeah of course." He stepped outside and shut the door behind him.

There was a silence before Kara started, "I'm leaving."

"Kara, I thought we agreed to fight Zoom together," Barry said.

She looked down and felt tears prick at her eyes, these past few weeks she felt like she was always crying, but saying goodbye to Barry hurt, even if it was for a short time. But for all she knew something could go wrong and she'd actually be working for Zoom for a long time. "I don't want you to get hurt anymore, Barry. But I want you to know that, I'm not leaving because I want to. That's the last thing I want to do, working for Zoom is the last thing I wanna do," a tear fell down her cheek.

Barry even felt like crying right now but he was trying to stay strong, "Kara, I know you don't want to. I don't want you to either. That's why I'm trying to convince you to stay. Please stay, I don't what I would do without you." His voice cracked.

Her heart broke when she heard that, "I don't know what I would do without you either that's why I'm going."

15 minutes. He let a tear slip out of his eye, and he cupped her cheek. He didn't want to argue anymore, but at the same time wanted to try to convince her till she stays. "I'm gonna miss you, Kara."

"This isn't goodbye forever, I'll see you again Barry Allen," she hoped it would be soon too. She leaned up on her tip toes and kissed his cheek, slowly. She went back down onto her feet. It was devastating that she had to go, even if she was gonna put her plan into action hopefully in a week, but again it could go terribly wrong.

10 minutes. She hugged him and he hugged her back. They stood there like that, her head on his chest for another five minutes.

Only Five left, she pulled away and looked at him in the eye, "I promise I'll be back," she assured him.

He nodded, "Okay, but if I hear that he made you get hurt or worse, Zoom will not be able to walk for a few weeks," he said then realized he sounded like a big brother trying to protect his sister from a boyfriend which was unintentional, but she got what he meant.

She chuckled, "okay."

2 minutes, "bye Kara." He said and let another tear slide down his cheek. One minute.

"Bye, Barry," She replied. She was about to speed off into the park when a large breach open and Zoom popped out grabbing Kara by the shoulders and bringing her back to Earth-2.

Barry stood there for a second. Thinking about what had just happened. Was he really that stupid just to let her go? Although it was her decision, he should've fought more. It's what he does for a living! And he didn't try more. He ran a hand through his hair. Annoyed with himself for just giving up. A voice from behind him came through his thoughts.

"Barry!" Iris said snapping Barry out of his thoughts.

"What?" He asked.

"What happened, where'd Kara go?" Iris said.

"Uh it's hard to explain. Let's just say she's not coming back for a while," he answered sadly and went back inside trying to avoid the question and so he could think some more.


Zoom and Kara had just gotten to the cave. Zoom had instructed Kara to go sit down basically in a corner. Which didn't make any sense but she listened anyway. It was next to the cell that creepy guy in a mask was in. She just hoped that she could put her plan into action within this next week.

This part was kinda short and I hate making a chapter less than 1000 words but last part was like 2000 words.

Superflash vs Zoom (continued on another account)Where stories live. Discover now