Part 6

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Another Time Jump LOL
Two Weeks Later

Kara was rushing to STAR Labs Caitlin and Cisco had said it was an emergency so she's running as fast as she could. She walked into the main cortex and found Caitlin yelling at Barry through the coms to stay with him, and Cisco pacing/running around the room frantically.

"What the hell is going on!?" Kara almost yelled.

"It's Barry, Zoom's out there trying to kill him, or capture him, or something. Barry needs you Kara," Cisco said quickly. Caitlin still trying to get Barry to stay awake. Kara gave Cisco a short nod, sped into the room that held her suit, changed.

"Where are they?" Kara asked.

"In the park," Cisco answers.

"Shocker," she mumbled under her breath as she sped out. When she got to the park she saw Barry on the ground, unconscious, while Zoom continued to punch and kick him. She landed and yelled out, "Little cruel don't you think? Hitting him while he's down."

"I thought it might bring you here," Zoom stated, "Which my assumption was correct."

She glared at him, "why do you need me?"

"I came to make a deal," He declared.

"No deal, I don't make deals with the devil," she stated.

"Oh but this might capture your attention. You come work for me," he paused for a long moment, long enough that Barry was regaining consciousness and trying to get up.

"And what do I get in return? You killed my family, I'm not gonna work for you," Kara said not noticing that Barry was awake.

"You come work for me, and I leave your little boyfriend here alone," Zoom finished.

She thought about it. If she worked for him Barry wouldn't get hurt by Zoom again, she wouldn't lose him; but he would absolutely hate her. But at the same time she would never be able to see him, which was upsetting to her. Then she thought about the kryptontian missions, if Barry were to die she would lose her powers, she'd be human. Which she guessed couldn't be all that bad, but she's grown up with them. It would be hard to part with them. She kept listing all the pros and cons of each choice on her head when she heard Barry cough.

"Don't do it, Kara it's not worth it," he said very groggily. He got up and winced, he must've broken a few ribs. He looked at her desperately, "Please, don't."

She looked at him sadly, "I have to, Barry. I can't let you die."

He was limping towards her now, slowly but surely, "I'll be fine. Please Kara, I don't want to lose you." She felt tears prick in her eyes.

Zoom felt almost pitiful for them, not completely but almost, "Ugh, I give you five hours to decide." Then he disappeared into a breach.

Kara ran over to Barry and hugged him lightly trying not to hurt him, and he hugged her back although it did hurt. "I mean it, Kara, I don't want to lose you. Don't do it. We can fight Zoom together."

She pulled away and looked at him, "But Barry-"

He shook his head, "Don't, I'm begging you."

"For right now can I just get you back to STAR Labs?" She finally said.

"Yeah," he answered.

Kara got Barry safely back to STAR Labs and into a very familiar med bed. While Caitlin was patching Barry up Kara and Cisco were waiting in the cortex silently, Cisco was staring at Kara oddly. "You heard, didn't you?" She asked.

Superflash vs Zoom (continued on another account)Where stories live. Discover now