Part 13

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"Barry, you need to go home. Get some rest," Caitlin said.

"I can't leave her here, Caitlin, Zoom knows where this is. He could hurt her, when we aren't here and we wouldn't even be able to tell she was hurt until it was too late," He argued.

"She's strong, Barry. I know that for a fact. And I don't think she'd want to worry so much about her," Caitlin told him. She was right, Kara wouldn't want that, but he loves her too much to just leave.

Kara slowly fluttered her eyes open out of her sleeping state. Both Caitlin and Barry rushed to her side, Caitlin so she could check everything for the probably fifth time that night. Barry because he loves her. "Agh, my head," Kara mumbled.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Barry asked.

"She literally just said her head was hurting," Caitlin said.

"I was just asking," Barry defends.

Kara looked between the two, her head hurting more from turning. Suddenly she felt tingling feeling of a cough rising up in her throat. She coughed a few times covering her mouth. But when she stopped her palm was covered in blood.

Barry looked at Caitlin, "The kryptonite is getting to her lungs," Caitlin explained. "Gosh, I'm so sorry, Kara."

Kara shook her head, "It's fine, Caitlin."

"Can you stand?" Caitlin asked.

"I don't know?" Kara said, "Why?"

Caitlin just shrugged, "I was just thinking you could walk around outside soak up some sun rays."

"I can try," She said determined.

Kara sat up, slowly threw her legs over the side of the med bed, wincing a bit. Barry rushed next to her and helped her off the bed. She smiled at him silently thanking him.

She stood up completely with Barry close just in case the kryptonite that was in her system made her legs give out. "It hurts a little, but I think I could probably use a walk," Kara said.

"Okay, well, Barry, why don't you go with her," Caitlin replied.

He nodded, and they walked out, Kara limping a little bit. They got outside and Kara could feel the natural sun rays.

Kara looked down, "You aren't resting?"

"You heard that?"

She nodded, "Barry don't be worried about me. I mean, I'm dying anyway-"

"Kara, no okay? I'm not just gonna let you die. You mean everything to me, and I'm not just gonna let you go," He said.

"There's nothing we can do Barry, there's no one to give me enough blood for a transfusion," She replied.

"Yes there is... Kal," Barry said.

"No no, he'll kill you."

"I have to try!"

"Why can't you just accept that I'm dying?!" Kara exclaimed.

"Because," he trailed off.

"Because why, Barr-"

"Because I love you!" He said. She stopped talking. "I love you. So much so that I'm stupid enough to go confront your scary ass cousin to save your life. I can't lose you. I'm done losing people."

She still was silent. For too long, "Please say something."

She looked up into his eyes, "I love you too." And suddenly his lips were on hers.

He wrapped his arms around her waist gently, as if she were made of glass. She trailed her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

They stopped kissing after a while but their foreheads were still touching. "Isn't it kind of odd though because we haven't even been together two days, and-"

"Kara, I knew I was in love with you since before I left your Earth," Barry stated.

She smiled, "Really?"

"Really... but you do know that means I'm getting Clark to save you, right?"



"Only if you stay away from Zoom," she argued.

"Cross my heart," He promised.

Kara looked down, "Fine," she mumbled.

"What was that?" He teased.

"Fine," she said louder.

"Thank you," he said.

She was about to say some thing else when he pecked her lips.

She laughed, "What was that for?"

Barry shrugged, "I don't know."

They were then walking side-by-side, hand-in-hand. She realized how much pain she was in. Her feet were sore, her knees felt weak, and her arms felt heavy. She even felt a little dizzy. Being with Barry just helped her escape that for a few moments.

He noticed this and wrapped an arm around her waist, keeping her from falling. "Should we go back inside?" He asked.

She nodded, "Yeah I think we should."

They went inside and Caitlin was bickering with Cisco. "She can't be here," Cisco said. Still upset about what he assumed she did to his brother.

Kara looked down as Barry pulled her closer to his side, "Don't listen to him."

"She killed people, Barry!" Cisco exclaimed, "And you're sleeping with her."

"Okay, One, we haven't slept together. And two, She didn't kill anyone," Barry said.

Cisco scoffed, "You're an idiot if you think that."

"I'm the idiot? You're the one tha-"

"Stop it! Both of you!" Kara exclaimed. "You're acting like five year olds."

She walked, well, limped into the medical bay, away from all the noises. She suddenly felt dizzy, really dizzy, and cold. There was a tickling feeling on her lip, and she touched it, her nose was bleeding. Suddenly she was unconscious on the floor seizing. Blood coming out of her nose and a drop of blood on her cheek coming from her mouth.

"Kara!" Barry exclaimed when he noticed what was happening, "Caitlin what's going on?!" He asked as he rushed to Kara's side along with Caitlin, even Cisco looked alarmed at what was happening.

Barry lifted Kara onto the med bed as Caitlin attached wires to her.

Caitlin had a tear go down her cheek when she knew what was happening, "There's no getting her back unless we get that transfusion, now."

"No, No! That's not happening, she is not gonna die," Barry said as he sped out of the room. The plan just had to come earlier then.


That was exactly 1000 words

And Kara could possibly die in the next chapter.

Zorallen Friends

Superflash vs Zoom (continued on another account)Where stories live. Discover now