Part 4

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Barry and Kara walked down the hallway in STAR Labs, they had just gotten back from going around Central City.

"So, uh, what do you think of Central City, so far?" Barry asked.

"It's a lot like National City, actually. Except less populated. Then again National is in California while we are in Missouri; and on a totally different universe. But less populated can be good," she started to ramble.

Barry chuckled, "Yeah."

"I like it here though," She added.

He smiled, "Good." They walked into the cortex and found Harry sitting at the main computers. "Hey where's Caitlin and Cisco?" Barry asked.

"Not sure," Harry replied shortly.

"Okay, we-" *beep beep beep* "metahuman alert." Barry said.

And at the same time all the computers switched to a video call from Zoom. In the background was Caitlin tied to one stalagmite and Cisco tied to another in Zoom's lair.

"Oh lookie here we have Cait and Cisco. Guess you aren't such the heroes after all," Zoom said and cackled. Then the computers switched back to normal.

"Great, so metahuman alert and Zoom," Barry said sarcastically.

"I'm going after Zoom," Kara said quickly.

Barry looked at her, "What!? No! He could kill you-"

"Just as easily as he could kill you," Kara interrupted. "Listen Barry, I know you're just trying to protect me but he killed everyone I love, all my friends and family. I'm not about to let him do that to yours too," she finished.

"Kara, I'm not going to let you go in there. Not alone anyway. I'm done losing people to evil speedsters," Barry said.

"Barry let me do this. I'm not going to die, I'm not going anywhere," she reassured him.

"He has kryptonite, Kara," Barry exclaimed.

"And it can't effect me without being injected or impaled into me in some way. Cisco advanced my suit to reduce the radiation from kryptonite that effects me. He also put a solar panel in it too," She reasoned, "You go after the metahuman I deal with Zoom, and if I'm not back by the time you get back from fighting the meta. Come to Earth 2 and hopefully I won't be captured or hurt. I'll allow you to say I told you so." She decided herself, sped into the room her suit was in, and went back out into the cortex clad in her blue and red.

Barry didn't feel like arguing any longer, he sighed, "Fine but I want you to be careful, Kara. Very careful. I can't lose another person I care for."

"Hey, same goes for you. You may be fighting a metahuman but they can be equally as dangerous," Kara said.

He nodded. Kara ran into the room where they turned the breaches on and activated one. She stepped into the blue vortex and thought of Zoom.

She exited the breach and found herself in what she assumed to be Central City, Earth 2. The exact place She and Zoom landed when she was first kid napped. She started flying in the direction she remembered Zoom going in and eventually found Zoom's lair.

"Here we go," she said to herself. She flew in and there was no sign of Zoom. "Cisco, Caitlin?" She yelled out. All she got was echoes.

Superflash vs Zoom (continued on another account)Where stories live. Discover now