Chapter 14: Just Think About it

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{Liza's pov}

Gabbie and I choose a funny movie. I of course have already seen it. We walk out of her room and I see David and Emily laughing at a video on his phone. The doorbell rings, it must be the pizza.

"Ok David can you stop flirting and get the door. I'm going to get the drinks. Liza help me." He rolls his eyes and gets up to get the pizza.

Gabbie gets the drinks and sets up the movie.

"What are we watching?" Asked Emily 

"A movie." Gabbie said. Sounding like she was annoyed. Emily just looks at her in disgust

"Gabbie you don't have to be mean." I said

The movie was set up and we all take our seats. Gabbie sits on the floor and David and Emily sit together on the couch. I on the other hand is sitting on a chair, sorta couch. The movie starts to play and we all settle down.

(Time hop)
After 30 minutes into the movie i see that Gabbie has already fallen asleep on the floor. Good thing she had a blanket and a pillow, but then I see David and Emily practically cuddling and tickling each other. I get up and head to the bathroom.

"Where you going?" David asked.

"I need to freshen up. I'll be back." I said in a low voice heading to bathroom.

I went in the bathroom and I stood there looking in the mirror for about a minute. I soon thought I was going crazy again. Why is this happening. I can't fall in love with a guy I meet a few days ago. Heck I don't know if its love. I soon got out of the bathroom and sat back down just to see them again.

"So are guys a couple now." I ask not taking my eyes of the tv and eating a bite out of my pizza.

"...that's kind of personal don't you think..." Emily says.

"Oh...I was just asking since you clearly have feelings for each other."

"I don't know... are we David? " Emily asks David

"...can we do this in private." David says telling Emily.

After the movie was almost over I passed out on the chair.

{Davids pov}
I see that both Liza and Gabbie are asleep and me and Emily are the only ones still up.

"So... Emily...about earlier..."

"...are we a couple..." she asks

"I mean we've known each other for a very long time..."I say

"So is that a yes..." she says

" i meant... I think we should just stick to being friends..."


"I think your very pretty and have a great personality...I just think this wouldn't work out...for god sake I just got out of a relationship like a few days ago."

"...I know what this about... it about Liza isn't it?" She says looking down.

"What?!... no..." I says pointing to Liza sleeping.

"Oh come don't think i noticed you looking at her every once in a while. It's clearly you like her. You worry about her too."

"No...with her no." I say smiling

"David don't lie to me!" She says

"I don't like her." I say waving my arms up in the air.

"Ok then tell me."

"Tell you what?"

"Does she make you laugh?"

"I guess yeah...but-"

"Do you care about her?"

"I mean...I've only known her for a couple days...I guess I can say yeah she's my friend-"

"Does she have a great personality?"

"Well yeah of course. Sometimes when I look at her I think of..." I stop my self because I know what I was about to say next.

"Kissing that what you were going to say... you like her just admit it." Emily says

"What if I do?"

"I think you should tell her."

"No...I think I should wait..."

"Wait until what?"

"Wait until I figure out my feelings for her and wait on how she feels about me."

"Oh come on she totally likes you."

"How do you know that."

"I'm a girl. Girls get jealous. She really got jealous when you were messing around with me. Plus I also herd her say she has feeling for you. When they were "getting a movie"she said it a little to loud. You didn't hear her?"

"No actually I was to busy-" I say but she interrupted me

"Trying to get over Mia...I know. Now your chance." She says looking at Liza sleeping

"How do you know everything?"

"Psychic." She says getting up and laughing

"Now go get your girl." She says

"I still don't know how i feel." I say while she gets her stuff and leaves

"Bye David."

"Wait Im your ride."

"I'll take an uber... oh and David..."


"If you and Liza ever start dating...I told you so." She says and I roll my eyes.

Once she leaves the room it's filed with silence and I walk in the kitchen to get a glass of water and think about what Emily said. I then go back to the living room and see a sleeping Gabbie and Liza. I wake up Gabbie to tell her Im going home and so she can sleep in her bed.

"Gabbie wake up. The movie is over." I nudge her to wake up.


"Yeah it's me get up. Go to your bed."

"Wait...where's everyone?" She says scratching her head and getting up.

"Emily went back home. Liza is asleep on the chair couch thingy." I says while directing Gabbie to her bed.

"Go wake up Liza and bring her here." She says

"Is she going to sleep on the floor. Or next to you?"

"She's not an animal...she's sleeping here on the bed next to me."

I walk over to Liza sleeping and I nudge her to wake up.

"Liza wake up." I say and she opens her eyes then quickly closing them

"Liza you need to get up. Gabbie said you were sleeping here tonight."

"I'm tired." She says shifting her body away from me.

"Come on Liza..." I say, but she won't get up. So I had the idea of carrying her to the bed. I grab both her legs and carry her bridal style. She then wraps her arms around me. I stoped for a second and looked at her sleeping in my arms. I settle her down next to Gabbie. I then look at Liza sleeping and thought about all the things Emily said. Maybe I do like her. Maybe I'm not crazy. I like Liza koshy. I then didn't realize it but I kissed her on the cheek. I soon realize what I did. I stormed off leaving Gabbie's house. And the whole night I thought about Liza.

A/n: sorry this is such a confusing chapter and a cheesy one too. Sorry. But anyway please enjoy. I'm also righting these before hand. But any ways have a nice day 😂

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