Chapter 9: Closet Tricks

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Day continued
{Gabbie's pov}


Liza actually came my plan is already working.

"So you ready to go." She says

"Well... about that."

"Gabbie is this one of your tricks to making me go out to another party is it. Because you know how that turned out."

"Come on Liza... how could you think less of me."

"Then lets go you told me we would go get frozen yogurt."

"Fine but I have to go change out of this first."

"You look fine you've been out like this in public before. Why all of a sudden change?" She says

"Fine you caught me! Can we wait like 10 more minutes."

" fine."


I just have to wait for David to arrive and this plan is full prof. I have 10 min exactly when David arrives so I can put them in the same room hopefully this nonsense can stop and hang out like friends.

In my room I have a walk in closet and I'm planning to use it for this plan


"Um Liza do you mind getting me my shoes please there in my closet."

"Yeah sure I'll get them."

"Be sure there the Nike ones. There in the far back."

As she's in the closet with her back facing me I lock the door from the out side so she can't get out.




"This is for your own good. I'm doing this for the three of us."

"The three of us!??"

I hear the doorbell ring and quickly run towards the door. I can't believe this is working. I actually might have something to talk about in therapy.

"David hey what's up." I say breathlessly and quietly

"Looks like you've been taming a wild animal."

"I would call it taming...more like yelling and running."

"Gabbie!..." says Liza from the closet and David turns around to see what it was but then I recover.

"Gabbie... is an amazing person. Don't judge me I talk to my self in third person." I laugh


"So about tonight I was thinking we can go get something to eat and talk about." I say,but I was jut going to go make him get my shoes out of my closet so I can push him in there to.

"Yeah sure I haven't aten yet."

"Ok can you go get my shoes out of my closet  there the Nike ones...careful it's dark in there." I say and wink

{Liza's pov}

I can't believe Gabbie locked me in the closet But then she goes and answers the door and I hear a familiar voice but I just can put my finger on it, but then I hear someone coming in the room and the sound of shoes hitting the ground coming closer thinking it was Gabbie standing there quietly waiting for her to open the door.

{David's pov}

I did what Gabbie asked me to do and get her shoes. The door was locked. I found the key on the night stand next to the door and opened it slowly. Then all of a sudden I feel my self getting pushed by someone which was Gabbie.

"What the fuck." I said falling and the door closeting behind me. Now it was really dark.

"OWW GET OF ME!"Someone said 

"Oh my my god I can't see!...Gabbie!" I said

The lights turn on and it's hard for my eyes to adjust. Then I see Liza.

"Owww that really hurt." She says rubbing the back of her head.

"I didn't expect seeing you here." I said getting up front the floor

"I didn't ether... GABBIE!!... this isn't froyo!" She says

"I'll get you frozen yogurt after you guys talk things out!" Gabbie says

"We have nothing talk about." I say

"Ok we'll figure out what to talk about. Like an apology. I'm talking to you David. I'll go to the other room and watch some tv... this can take all night if it has to!"

Gabbie walks out and me and Liza are left alone in the closet just staring off in the distance. Liza looking at gabbie's clothes and me just staring at my phone thats about to die and eventually it died. So now we are quietly waiting until somebody says something and it's definitely not going to be me.

A/n: if I confused you on who's part it was it was it was Gabbie's then Liza then David.
Sorry for the confusion🌚

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