Chapter: 3 Party Accidents

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{Liza's pov}

As me and Gabbie walk in I notice the groups of people hanging out in one corner and one in the other. At first Gabbie was was introducing me to a group of people standing near the pool.

"Hey guys I would like you to meet a friend of mine her name is Liza."

"Hey Liza I'm Zane."





"Ok well...Liza have fun because that's the whole point of this party."

"Thank you but No promises..." I say laughing and walk away with Gabbie.

As we are walking away. Gabbie and I start talking about dancing, and there NO way she is going to make me.

"Hey Liza do you mind going getting me a drink."

"Ok what do you or... either way I'm driving and I'm underage to drink so I'm going to drink punch.

"Get me the beer. Thanks."

As I'm walk over I take a glance at the alcohol and the water. I grab the drink for Gabbie. Then started to get my drink which was punch. I accidentally filled my cup all the way, but I never put any back. So I'm walking carefully and not taking my eyes away from my drink. Until...I feel the cup being crushed from my hands.

"Hey watch were your going!"

It was tall guy wearing all black and and a hat.

"... I-I'm sorry...let me help you..." I say getting napkins trying to wipe of the red stains of his shirt. But he backs away.

"I don't need any help!" He says angrily

"Hey! It was an accident! I was just trying to help!" I said

"We'll maybe next time stop being so clumsy!"

I stormed off banging my cup on the table and called Gabbie.

(Phone call)

L: "Gabbie where are you!"

G: "I'm inside. Waiting for my drink what's taking you so long."

L: " I'm out side!  I'm leaving!

G: "Wait what!!!?!??!"

Gabbie comes outside to consult with me about what happened

"Liza what's wrong and why are you covered in punch."

"I accidentally bumped into a guy and now he's all mad and I'm covered in punch.... Gabbie I just want to go home"

"Who? And why do you want to leave it hasn't been an hour and your already complaining."

"I don't know tall white dude wearing all black."

"David?" She says

"I don't know his name he got all mad after I spilled punch on him and me."

"He's usually not like that at all, but let's go and reason things out between you two and then we could go back have fun.sound good?"

I roll my eyes "Gabbie this is what I was trying to avoid, but I will go and resolve our conflict. I won't promise anything."

A/n : So yeah ... vine is gone... not officially but... I'm sad and I just what to say thanks to all the creators that I know and love today for being my inspirations and how lucky we are to have creators that came from vine and to see them grow and succeed with them. So yeah I just wanted to say how much this will effect every one

R.I.P   Vine   2013-2016

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