Part 1

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"Dongwoo, stop teaching him bad habits!" Miyoung screamed. "I have a hard enough time without your help."

"Come on Noona, don't be mad at me." Dongwoo began smiling his big gummy smile and performing the aegyo that he knows his sister can't say no to.

She sighed in frustration as she rubbed the back of her head. "I'm not mad. Just promise me that you won't teach him any more of those bad habits."

"Okay!" he smiled as he gave his sister a big hug.

"Samchon! I want to go to the aquarium!" Youngmin shouted excitedly as he watched the commercial for the new exhibit.

Dongwoo looked at the TV and caught the title "The Mermaid? What is that?"

"Oh, apparently there is a new exhibit at the aquarium" his sister replied. "Last month they released the Humpbacks back into the ocean and turned their tank into a large habitat."

"Oh, but the exhibit is called 'The Mermaid'. What is that?"

"It's not an exhibit. It is a performance that they put on once a week." She put down the laundry basket and began folding the clothes. "They have this girl that swims in the habitat like a mermaid. My friend went to go see it last week and said that it was amazing."

"That's awesome!"

"She's not really a mermaid, Dongwoo."

"Who cares!" Dongwoo began thinking and imagining what the girl would look like. Did they make her wear a suit to cover her legs? Will she look like Ariel from 'The Little Mermaid'?

"It's just a big promotion to draw in crowds. They even had some big pre-opening event where they invited Doctors, Veterinarians and the Press to come and see the show. According to the articles I read, they are claiming that she is the 'real deal'. An actual 'living mermaid'." Miyoung laughed.

"I've got some time off next week" Dongwoo said seriously. "I don't mind taking Youngmin to the show."

Miyoung looked up in surprise. "You don't mind?"

"I know you are always busy. Between work and housework, you never have any time to relax. This is the least I can do to help you out."

"Thank you Dongwoo!" She jumped up and gave him a big hug.

The next day Dongwoo got up early so that he could go and buy the tickets. As always, Hoya was dragged along.

They arrived at the aquarium, but it was too early to purchase ticket so they went to a cafe nearby to wait. "Why do you want to see this?" Hoya asked annoyed by the fact that he was dragged along. "It's probably adjust a hoax or publicity stunt."

"I know" Dongwoo replied. "My sister said the same thing, but my nephew really wants to see it and I don't mind taking him. We have the time off right now."

"Oh, come on! Dongwoo, they're just putting on a show to make money." A waitress walked over and handed them their drinks. "Hey! What do you think of the whole mermaid deal at the aquarium?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen it yet, but it's probably fake" she replied honestly.

"How would you know if you haven't seen it?" A woman in the next booth stood up and approached them.

"Come on! A mermaid?" Hoya laughed. "It has to be fake!"

"I agree" the waitress nodded.

The woman reached into her purse, pulled out an envelope, and placed it on the table. "Why don't you go and see for yourself whether it is a hoax or not before making unfounded comments?" She smiled sadly and then walked away.

Dongwoo reached over and picked up the envelope. "These are tickets for the show!" he said holding up the contents.

Hoya grabbed them out of his hand "You've got to be kidding me!" He turned to the waitress and asked "Do you know that woman?"

"Not really" she replied. "She only started coming here recently. I think she works at the aquarium though." She gave a little bow and returned to work.

"Probably works for the mermaid show" Dongwoo added.

"That would explain the tickets" Hoya agreed.

Later that week, Dongwoo picked up his nephew and went to the aquarium with the other members of Infinite.

"Remind me why we are here again?" Woohyun asked.

"Because we got free VIP tickets to the show" Sunggyu responded with a smile.

"Come on!" Dongwoo screamed as he jumped on them from behind. "We get to see a free show and we'll get to meet her after. Don't you think that's cool?"

"Samchon!" Youngmin pulled on Dongwoo's arm. "Come on! I want to get good seats!" Dongwoo pushed past the others and ran with his nephew the rest of the way. "This is going to be awesome!" the little boy shouted as they took their seats in the front row.

The attendant that sat them smiled and said "After the show, please return to your seats and await further instructions."

"Thank you!" Dongwoo grinned from ear to ear.

The Mermaid [Infinite Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now