Part 14

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She turned and looked him in the eyes "YES! I LIKE YOU DONGWOO!"

He grabbed her by the wrist one more time and, without thinking, pulled her into a deep kiss

Feeling his lips pressed against hers, she closed her eyes. He released her from his kiss and looked her in the eyes. "I like you too, Buyong. In fact, I've been in love with you ever since our little meet and greet in the habitat." Buyong blushed. Then he gave her another peck on the lips.

"What do we do now?" she asked.

"They're probably wondering where we disappeared to" Dongwoo said looking towards the stairs.

Buyong tensed and blushed. "I can't go back down there right now" she shook nervously.

"Then where would you like to go?" Dongwoo asked.

"Honestly?" she asked and Dongwoo nodded. "I want to go for a swim."

"A swim?" She nodded and smiled. "So let's swim!" he smiled.

"But, we're not exactly dressed for it."

Dongwoo chuckled "Who cares!"

"And you can't breathe underwater."

Dongwoo pulled her closer to him "But you can" he said with a smile and she immediately turned beet red.

She shyly said "Okay."

"Let's go!" he yelled as he held her hand, ran and jumped into the water.

Meanwhile, back at the party, Taeyeon started to notice that Buyong had disappeared. "Where did that girl run off to now" she mumbled under her breath hoping that no one heard her, but someone did.

Hoya, who had been standing behind her, chuckled. Taeyeon turned around and blushed. "Are you really that worried about her?" he asked.

"I'm not worried about her. It's just......... She doesn't like it when Minwoo acts like that."

"Like what?"

"When he pretends to be her boyfriend" she answered. "She hates it!" Hoya chuckled. "What's that for?"

"You don't really think we bought his story, do you?"

"You didn't?"

Hoya laughed "Please! It's obvious that he was lying!" He took a sip from his cup. "We've spent enough time with her to know that much" he smiled. "Besides, I doubt she'd be in the habitat with Dongwoo like that if she was really dating Minwoo."

As Taeyeon turned to face the habitat, her smiled slowly turned to a look of shock and she dropped the plate of food she had been holding. She watched as Dongwoo and Buyong swam in the habitat without an oxygen tank. Instead, whenever Dongwoo needed air, Buyong would kiss him. "She's gone crazy" Taeyeon breathlessly uttered.

Hoya walked up next to her and whisperly chuckled in her ear "No, they're just in love."

Taeyeon turned to face him "You're kidding, right?"

Hoya shrugged his shoulders and smiled before walking over to the other members. "It's about time he confessed" Sunggyu laughed and the other members chuckled along with him.

Minwoo looked at the habitat and was shocked. "What the hell does she think she is doing?"

They all watched as Dongwoo and Buyong continued to swim about the habitat. After about ten minutes of them swimming, they made their way to the underwater house and went inside.

"That was amazing!" Dongwoo shouted as he entered the house.

Buyong smiled and laughed "I've never had so much fun just swimming around!"

Dongwoo gave her another little kiss before asking "Where are the towels?"

"In the closet next to the bathroom" she replied and Dongwoo walked off to retrieve them. Suddenly, the phone began to ring. Buyong walked over and answered it "Hello?"

"Have you gone crazy?" Taeyeon shouted. "What are you trying to do? Kidnap him?"

"Calm down, Taeyeon" Buyong chuckled. "We were just swimming."

"Just swimming?" she asked. "You call that, just swimming?"

"Give me the phone" came another voice; A male voice. "Buyong, What do you think you are doing?" Minwoo asked.

"What do you think we were doing?" she replied angrily. "We were just swimming!"

"You call that swimming?"

"Why is everyone so worked up about this?"

"I'll tell you why!" Minwoo screamed. "Because you were kissing that jerk!"

"Minwoo Oppa...." As Buyong started to explain everything, Dongwoo came up behind her and began unzipping her dress. "Ahhh!" she screamed as she dropped the phone in order to hold onto the front of her dress so that it wouldn't fall down and expose her.

"What's going on?" Minwoo screamed over the phone, but Buyong couldn't hear him. "Buyong! What's happening?" Then he heard Buyong and Dongwoo talking.

"What are you doing?" Buyong asked Dongwoo.

"What does it look like?" Dongwoo replied slyly. Then he pulled her closer to him and kissed her on the back of her shoulder.

Buyong felt a tingling sensation throughout her body as his lips pressed ever so gently against her skin and she let out a soft moan.

Minwoo stood paralyzed as he listened to what was happening on the other end. 'YA! Minwoo! What's going on?" Taeyeon screamed, knocking him out of his trance. She grabbed for the phone, but he quickly pressed the end call button before she could hear what was happening. "YA! Why did you do that?" She quickly tried to redial the number, but it rang busy. She tried over and over again, but every time it would ring busy. "What's going on in there?" quietly questioned.

"It's probably nothing" Sunggyu said as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "They're probably tired after swimming so much and are just resting" he smiled.

"And the phone? Why can't I get through?"

"I'm guessing they took it off the hook so that they wouldn't keep getting calls from everyone" Sunggyu smiled.

Taeyeon nodded and said "Sounds like something she'd do."

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