Part 5

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"You don't regret becoming an idol, do you?"

"No" he replied instantly. "Wait a second, you knew?"

She laughed again 'Of course! You guys are my favorite group!"

Dongwoo jumped up from the table and ran back tot the others. "Guys, you're not going to believe this!"

"What?" Hoya entertained him.

"Buyong is our fan!"

Just then, Buyong walked into the room and they all shouted "Really?"

She blushed "Yes, I'm an Inspirit."

The guys were all amazed. Then they started to bombard her with questions.

"Who's your favorite member?" Sungyeol sat upright.

"No, no! What's your favorite song?" Woohyun asked hoping she would say 'Beautiful'.

She laughed and said "I like you all!" She blushed a little more and then said "The truth is, I don't have a favorite member. Each of you is unique, like me. But together, you are the Infinite I love. There is no way I could pick a favorite from among you. As for your songs, I love them all. You all have worked so hard on each and every one of them, that to pick a favorite would be hard." She paused for a moment to think "Plus they all sound so good" she whined.

They all continued to laugh and joke, until the phone suddenly started to ring. "Hello?" Buyong said as she picked up the receiver.

"How long are you planning on keeping them down there? Don't tell me you are trying to kidnap them!" Taeyeon joked.

Buyong looked up at the clock on the wall. "Damn! Sorry, I didn't realize what time it was. We'll be up shortly." She hung up the phone and said "I'm sorry guys, but it is time to go."

The guys all protested. "Can't we stay just a little longer?" Woohyun started his aegyo.

"As much as I'd love that, we can't."

"Why don't we just stay the night here?" Sunggyu suggested.

Buyong's heart began to race at the thought of spending the night with them, but quickly regained her train of thought and said "Maybe another time."

"Oh! Come on!" Dongwoo began dancing while holding her hands.

She looked him in the eye and said "And what about your nephew?" Dongwoo stopped dancing and they all looked at the boy. "Don't you think his parent's will be expecting him at home?"

The guys all started to sulk. As much as they wanted to stay with her, they knew she was right. "Fine. We'll go, but you have to promise to come and visit us at our next performance" Dongwoo insisted and the others agreed.

"If you send the tickets" she smiled "I'll be there."

They all cheered and then departed. They made their way to the surface and were helped out of the habitat by the staff. They all changed back into their clothes and waved goodbye to Buyong as they left.

Taeyeon walked up behind Buyong and slapped her up the backside of her head. "OWWW! What was that for?"

"Are you kidding? You really don't know?" Taeyeon stood with her hands on her waist. "What were you doing with them down there?"

Buyong hung her head and said "I'm sorry. We were talking and kind of lost track of time."

"Talking? That's it?" Taeyeon was surprised.

"Of course! Why? What did you think we were doing?"

"I thought you might be trying to kidnap them, because they are your favorite group" Taeyeon teased.

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