Part 9

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They made their way to the hotel and crashed for a few hours before they were called back to the set.

"We are going to start with Sungyeol and Buyong!" the director called out. The staff ran over to Buyong carrying a couple of fish already hooked on a line. She took the line and walked into the ocean.

When she was given the cue, she slowly walked out of the water carrying her 'catch'. She walked inside the house and Sungyeol was already in the kitchen cooking. She placed the fish on the counter and Sungyeol flinched. She couldn't help but giggle at his reaction. She then started to help him prepare the meal and they had fun fooling around while cooking. Once the food was cooked, they sat at the table and ate. He helped her clear the table and then walked out of the kitchen.

The director called "Cut!" and quickly reviewed the footage. He was surprised that everyone was doing well with the filming and that they didn't need to do any retakes. "Okay! We'll pick up with Hoya leaving the kitchen and going over to the work bench!" he called out and Hoya stood up and took his place.

The director gave the cue and Hoya walked out of the kitchen, just like Sungyeol did. He walked over to the workbench and began fiddling with the shells and wire. He finished making the necklace and walked up behind Buyong, who was still washing the dishes. He lifted the necklace over her head and placed it on her neck. She turned around and gave him a hug, then he slid her out of the way and insisted on finishing the dishes while she went out onto the beach.

The director called "Cut!" He looked at his watch and said "Let's break for lunch! We'll meet back here in three hours."

The crew grabbed the boxed lunches and distributed them to the members. Sungyeol and Buyong looked at the boxes and both rolled their eyes. The other members of Infinite laughed at them, but offered to help them eat their boxes. Which, of course, they willingly offered up. Once they finished eating, they all sat around and chatted about the filming and had fun joking around.

The three hours passed by quickly and the director quickly reviewed what was left to film. "Okay, we'll have L pick up where Hoya left off at the sink. You will go out and relax on the beach with Buyong. Once you fall asleep Buyong will get up and leave. Okay?" he questioned the group.

"Okay!" they all shouted in reply.

L walked over to the sink and turned the water on, while Buyong waited on the beach. The director gave the cue and L tuned the water off and dried his hands on a towel. He then walked out onto the beach and took a seat next to Buyong. They laid down on the beach and L pulled Buyong into a hug. He held her tightly and kissed her forehead, then he closed his eyes and relaxed his arms as though he were asleep. Buyong then stood up, looked down at him and smiled. Then she walked towards the ocean and dove into the water.

The Director called "Cut!" and quickly reviewed the footage once more. Once he was sure that the footage was good, he called out to the crew "Okay! Only one scene left and then we will be done! You all are doing an excellent job!"

The crew began working to set up for the final scene, while the members of infinite and Buyong took a nap on the beach. The crew woke them as soon as they were set. The members of Infinite all took their positions laying on the beach, while Buyong went back into the ocean.

As the sun rose, L opened his eyes and looked to where Buyong should have been and acted surprised when she wasn't there. He sat up as the other members of Infinite also 'woke up'. They all started looking around for Buyong with confused expressions. Then they looked out over the water at the boat that had come to rescue them. The rescue crew quickly wrapped blankets over them and got them into the rafts. They brought them over to the boat and they sailed away while looking back at the island. As they turned away and went below deck, Buyong walked out of the water. She turned toward the departing boat and smiled. "CUT!" the director screamed. "Excellent! That's a wrap!" The crew cheered.

The director turned to the group and said "You guys did an excellent job. I can't believe we finished ahead of schedule." He smiled to the group and then continued "Once we get back to the office, we should be able to edit the video without too much trouble, thanks to all your hard work."

Infinite and Buyong bowed to the director and crew and then made their way back to hotel. They crashed for a few hours while they waited for their ride. "Want us to drop you off?" Sunggyu offered.

Buyong looked up at him in surprise. "That's okay. I know you guys must be tired. I can take a taxi home."

"We don't mind!" Dongwoo eagerly spoke up.

Buyong smiled and said "If you are sure...."

"We're sure!" they all shouted and Buyong giggled.

"Then, thank you" she said with a smile and then bowed.

Their van pulled up and they all climbed inside. Sunggyu, Woohyun, Sungyeol and L climbed into the far back, while Sungjong jumped into the passenger seat at Hoya's insistence. Then Dongwoo climbed in and sat by the window. Hoya, acting like a gentleman, gestured for Buyong to get in next and then jumped in after her. As their manager drove back to Seoul, everyone but Hoya fell asleep.

As they neared Seoul, their manager called out to Buyong. "So, where do you live?"

"Hyung," Hoya spoke up "She fell asleep."

"Then, what do we do? I have no clue were to drop her off."

As they were talking, Sunggyu began to stir. "What's the problem?" he asked as he rubbed the tiredness from his eyes.

"Buyong, fell asleep and we don't know where to drop her off" Hoya whisperly explained.

"Let's just bring her back to the dorm for now" Sunggyu stated.

Hoya turned around in surprise "Hyung, are you sure?"

Sunggyu smirked "You think I didn't know about it?"

Hoya's eyes widened "About what?"

Sunggyu sat forward and whispered so their manager wouldn't hear "That Dongwoo likes her."


"Don't worry" he sat back into he seat "I think they look good together too."

They arrived at the dorm and Hoya carefully pulled Buyong out of the van. Sunggyu woke the other members and they all groggily made their way up to their dorm and collapsed on their beds.

"So, what do we do with her, Hyung?" Hoya asked.

Sunggyu smirked "I got an idea, follow me" he gestured for Hoya to follow him into Dongwoo's room. Then he pointed to the bed Dongwoo was sleeping on and giggled. Hoya smiled and nodded, then he placed Buyong beside the sleeping Dongwoo and they both left the room giggling.

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