Part 13

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"What are you doing up here by yourself when your boyfriend is downstairs?" Dongwoo asked, even though it hurt him to do so.

Buyong sighed "He's not my boyfriend."

"He's not? But he just said..."

"He's just a childhood friend that I've known forever."

"Really?" Dongwoo perked up a bit. "I guess that would explain why he knew so much about you."

"That and the fact that we lived together for a while."

Dongwoo was nervous "You lived with him?"

"Yeah, it was after I had recovered from my near death experience. My father received a job promotion that took him overseas. I didn't want to leave because of school, so my mother's friend took me in because I was her son's friend. That's why I ended up living with Minwoo for a while" Buyong smiled.

"Wow!" Dongwoo was genuinely surprised. "Why didn't you say anything downstairs when he said he was your boyfriend? Do you like him?"

Buyong chuckled "I love him" Dongwoo felt a heaviness in his chest. "like a brother. There was a time when I thought that I might like him more than that, but then Taeyeon told me that she had a crush on him."


"Yeah, but the funny thing is, it didn't bother me that she liked him. I mean, wouldn't you be jealous if someone showed an interest in someone you liked?"

"Yeah!" Dongwoo nodded.

"But I wasn't jealous. That is when I knew that I only liked him as a friend."

 Dongwoo thought about what she was saying. "Yeah, but it seems as though he likes you as more than a friend."

"Are you kidding?" Buyong laughed. "He only said he was my boyfriend, because he was afraid that you guys are trying to take advantage of me. He likes to act like my older brother."

"It doesn't seem that way to me."

"Even if that is true," Buyong sighed "I don't feel that way about him. I like someone else."

As she spoke, Dongwoo went from hopeful to depressed. She already likes someone. I guess I don't have a chance with her after all. "He's a really lucky guy."


"The guy you like" Dongwoo said again. "He's really lucky to be liked by you."

Buyong blushed. I doubt he'd feel that way if he knew who I liked. "Thanks, but I don't think he'd feel the same."

"Why not?" Dongwoo argued. "You're beautiful, talented and kind! If the guy can't see that, then he is either dumb or blind!"

Buyong blushed even more. "Thank you for saying that."

"I'm not just saying it, Buyong! You should tell the guy you like him."

"And what if he rejects me?"

"He'd be crazy! If it were me, I'd be overjoyed!"

Buyong was shocked. Did he just say what I think he did? "Dongwoo..."

"Where is the guy?" he grabbed her by the wrist "Let's go and tell him right now!" Buyong looked at Dongwoo as he tried to pull her along. "Come on! Why are you just standing there?"

"Dongwoo" she said as her heart began to beat faster.


"You'retheoneIlike" she quickly said before she could talk herself out of it.

"Huh? What did you say?"

She took a deep breath and let out a calming sigh. "I said, I like you." Her heart was now beating so fast that she felt it would burst at any moment.

Dongwoo just stared at her trying to process what he just heard. She likes............ME? As he kept thinking about it, he started to blush.

Dongwoo's grip loosened and Buyong managed to pull her arm free. She was too embarrassed to face him, so she quickly turned away. I knew this would happen!

When he finally came back to his senses, he asked "You like me?"

"Yes" she replied.

"ME? Jang Dongwoo? You like ME?"

She turned and looked him in the eyes "YES! I LIKE YOU DONGWOO!"

He grabbed her by the wrist one more time and, without thinking, pulled her into a deep kiss.

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