Part 3

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"You're going to let us inside the house?" Hoya was taken aback.

"Of course!" she replied. "Why? You don't want to join me for tea?"

The guys quickly stepped forward. "He was just being silly" Sungjong said.

"Of course we want to have tea with you" Sungyeol smiled as he took her hand again. Immediately followed by L pulling him away from her again.

She led them up to the diving entrance where Taeyeon and her coworkers quickly fitted and gave a brief explanation and instruction on the equipment to the group. Buyong went to the changing room and placed her dress into the dryer and then joined everyone at the habitat entrance.

She noticed that Hoya was having trouble attaching his oxygen tank, so she went over and helped him. "Try connecting it now" she said as she lifted the tank for him.

With her help, Hoya was able to fasten the harness. "Thank you" he said as he turned around. He was surprised to see Buyong standing there and would have fallen into the habitat if Buyong hadn't grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"Careful" she said. Then she turned and looked to see if everyone else was able to get their equipment on.

"What about you?" Hoya asked.

"What do you mean?" she turned around in surprise.

"Where is your tank?"

She gave a small chuckle. "I don't need one. I can breathe underwater."

Hoya leaned in closer to her and whispered "Come on, we both know it is just a show. Where do you hide the tank?"

Buyong smiled and then let herself fall into the tank. Everyone was surprised by the sudden splash. They all stood and waited for her to come back up. When she didn't, Dongwoo began to panic. He quickly got his equipment in working order and jumped into the habitat. Once underwater he quickly tried to get his bearings, so that he could find her. Suddenly, she appeared in front of him and helped him to the surface.

Dongwoo removed his mouthpiece and said "What were you thinking?"

Buyong smiled and said "I was looking for some friends to help me give you all a tour of the habitat." Just as she finished talking, dolphins and sharks surfaced all around them.

"Ya! Buyong! What are you thinking?" Taeyeon called out to her.


"Did you really have to ask the sharks to help you?"

Buyong smiled "They volunteered!"

As they were talking, one of the sharks gave Dongwoo a little nudge. He looked the shark in the eye and felt as though it was telling him to grab on. He put his mouthpiece back in his mouth and grabbed onto the shark's fin. The shark then submerged with Dongwoo and swam with him around the habitat.

The other members of Infinite slowly entered the habitat one by one and were greeted by the other creatures that were waiting to tour them through the habitat. Once they were paired up, they submerged and swam around the habitat with their escorts while Buyong swam to the house to await their arrival.

The first to arrive were Dongwoo, Hoya and Youngmin. She pressed the button that opened the door and signaled for them to enter. Once inside, she closed the door and secured it tightly. Then she pressed another button and the room began to drain and pressurize. She walked over to Youngmin, unfastened his oxygen tank and helped him remove it. "You can remove your equipment and place it in one of the cubbies" she pointed to the cubbies located on the wall. Then she opened the door that led inside and said "Make yourselves comfortable while I assist the others."

The guys went inside and Buyong closed the door behind them. "Wow, I didn't expect it to look so much like an apartment" Hoya said as he took in his surroundings.

"Yeah, I expected it to look like a submarine" Dongwoo laughed.

A little while later the door opened again and Sunggyu and Woohyun entered the house. "Now that is what I call a tour!" Woohyun laughed.

"I know, right?" Dongwoo jumped up and ran over to him. "Did you have a dolphin or shark?"

"Shark!" Woohyun replied.

"I had a dolphin" Sunggyu said.

The guys chatted about their tours while they waited. Then after another little while, the door opened and Sungyeol, Sungjong, L and Buyong walked in. Dongwoo ran over to them and immediately asked "Dolphin or shark?" The guys looked back at him and then replied with a smile.

"Dolphin" Sungjong said.

"Dolphin for me too" Sungyeol collapsed on the couch.

"I had a shark" L said as he sat beside Sungyeol.

The guys were still excited about their underwater excursions that they didn't notice Buyong had disappeared.

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