Part 6

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The next day after their schedules had ended, they were called to the president's office. "I like what you guys have come up with for your next album" he smiled "and the concept for the MV was very interesting. Who came up with it? Or was it a group effort?"

"Actually" Sunggyu spoke up "Dongwoo was the one who thought of it."

"Really?" He turned to Dongwoo and asked "Who did you have in mind for the girl?"

"Huh?" Dongwoo blushed.

"It's okay, I'm just curious about your thought process."

"Actually" Dongwoo looked around at the other guys and they all nodded "I was thinking about a girl we all met before our world tour. Her name is Buyong and she works at the aquarium."

"Really? Why were you thinking of her?"

"Because" He paused nervously "she is a mermaid. She can breathe and swim underwater without diving equipment."

The president looked at him curiously. "She's a mermaid?" Then it hit him "You're talking about that show they were promoting! I heard about that! I hear it's a good show!" The president smiled. "But you know, she's not really a mermaid."

"Actually, Mr. President" Sunggyu spoke up. "We all met her and had the opportunity to go diving with her in the new habitat. She wasn't using any diving equipment. She really can breathe underwater."

The president was dumbfounded. He looked at each of the members and they all nodded in agreement with what Sunggyu and Dongwoo said. "If that is the case, do you want to use her for the MV?"

The guys were taken aback. "Seriously?" Sunggyu asked.


"I'm not sure she would agree to it" Dongwoo nervously spoke up because he knew that she wasn't the type to exploit herself like that.

"Why not?" the president was confused.

Hoya knew that Dongwoo was trying to protect Buyong so he quickly spoke up "She isn't an idol like us. We can ask her if she is interested in doing it, but we don't want to pressure her."

"That sounds reasonable. If she says that she is not interested, we will look for someone else."

The guys all nodded in agreement and left. As they made their way to the van, Sunggyu spoke up "So who wants to go ask her?"

"Do we really need to do this Hyung? Can't we just say that she wasn't interested?" Dongwoo pleaded.

Sunggyu walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know how you feel, Dongwoo. I don't want to pull her into the idol world either, but we can't just lie to the president."

"Why don't Dongwoo and I go?" Hoya suggested.

"That sounds fine" Sunggyu smiled. "I think it would seem less imposing, with fewer people."

While the others made their way back to the dorm, Dongwoo and Hoya grabbed a cab and headed to the aquarium. They arrived at the aquarium just as they opened. They made their way to the ticket counter and purchased tickets for the show.

"I doubt she'll remember us" Hoya said.

"Are you kidding? Have you forgotten that she is a fan?"

Hoya laughed "Right, I forgot about that." He looked around the room and whispered "But, do you think she'll recognize us with our disguises?"

"Who knows" Dongwoo shrugged his shoulders. "We'll just have to wait and see."

The lights went out and they watched as the familiar movie played. They sat and waited for the opportunity to approach the viewing platform. When the time came, they made their was to the far left side and waited for her to swim over. When she saw them, she instantly smiled. Then she gave a  signal to the crew and quickly finished the performance.

When the performance ended, Dongwoo and Hoya were approached by the staff. "We've been asked to have you wait here."

Hoya looked at them nervously "Why?"

"Please have a seat" they gestured towards the chairs.

Dongwoo looked at Hoya and whisperly asked "What should we do?"

Just then, Buyong came running into the auditorium. "Ya! What are you guys doing here?" She ran over to the guys and gave them a big hug.

"Guess she remembers us" Dongwoo laughed and Hoya couldn't help but join him.

As she released them from her embrace, Hoya took the opportunity to say "We came to see you, silly."

She laughed "Give me a minute to change and then we can grab a bite to eat." She turned to walk away and then stopped. "Do you guys have time to eat?"

Dongwoo and Hoya both laughed "We have plenty of time" Hoya smiled. "There is no need to rush."

"Great! I'll be right back!" she waved as she ran off to change. She quickly changed returned to the auditorium. "What would you guys like to eat?"

The guys looked at one another and smiled. "How about we go to that cafe?"

Buyong thought for a moment and then laughed. "Sounds good to me!" She hooked one arm through one of each of theirs and smiled. "Let's go!"

"Ya! What are you doing?" Hoya looked at her, shocked by her actions.

"What's the matter?" she questioned dumbfoundedly.

Hoya points to their entwined arms "This."

"What about it?"

Hoya looked at Dongwoo and saw that he was blushing, so he just sighed, hung his head and said "Nothing, let's just go."

They made their way to the cafe, ordered their food and took a seat. They enjoyed the food and then Buyong looked up and asked "So, why did you guys come to see me?"

Dongwoo started twiddling his thumbs as he nervously spoke "We are preparing for our next comeback and we had been discussing what we wanted to do for it." He took a deep breath and then continued "While talking it over with the president of our company, your name came up and...."

"Basically, the president asked us to come here and ask you if you would consider being in our MV" Hoya blurted out and Dongwoo looked at him shocked.

Buyong was surprised. She had never expected something like this. "Why me?"

"Because the concept of the MV was based on you" Hoya sighed.

"It was based on me?" Buyong was even more confused. "What is it about?"

Hoya was becoming frustrated. "It's because you are a 'mermaid'. The concept is that we get stranded in the ocean after an accident and live a short fantasy with a mermaid who lives on a deserted island. The idea was thought of with you in mind, but you don't have to do it if you don't want to."

Buyong looked at them and smiled. "So, who thought of the concept?"

"What?" Hoya looked back in surprise. "Why do you want to know?"

"It was you, wasn't it?" she looked right at Hoya and smirked.

"No! It was Dongwoo!" he nervously replied and Dongwoo hit his arm.

Buyong smiled and gave a little giggle as Hoya rubbed his arm where he had been hit. "You really don't have to do it!" Dongwoo nervously said. "I was just trying to come up with an idea and thought of you." He looked up at Buyong and instantly blushed some more.

Buyong smiled "Actually... it sounds kind of interesting. I think I'd like to try it, if you guys still want to use me."

Both Hoya and Dongwoo looked up at her in shock "Really!?"

Buyong giggled "Yes!"'

"If that's the case, would you mind coming with us now to meet the president?" Hoya suggested.


They all got up and grabbed a taxi to take them to the company. The president was happily surprised to meet such a unique young woman. "If you are ever interested in the entertainment field, be sure to contact us. We would be more then happy to represent you."

Buyong giggled "I'll keep that in mind."

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