Part 11

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The next day Buyong returned to her normal life. The aquarium staff was so glad to have her back. "So, how did the filming go?" Taeyeon asked.

"It went well" Buyong replied.

Then Taeyeon nudged up to her and asked "Anything happen?"

"What do you mean?"

"Come on! You were alone with them for a week! You're telling me nothing happened?" Buyong blushed as she remembered kissing Dongwoo underwater and waking up next to him in bed. Seeing this, Taeyeon smiled "I knew it! What happened?"

Buyong was too embarrassed. She couldn't tell her what happened. So instead, she dove into the habitat and quickly swam to the house under the water. She breathed a sigh of relief when she was finally alone. Then the phone rang. "Hello?"

"You're not getting away that easy, Buyong. You are going to tell me eventually."

"Okay, I'll tell you!" Buyong blushed.

"You did what?" Taeyeon screamed.

"Shhh" Buyong urgently hushed her.

"What happened? How did you end up in his bed?" she whisperly asked.

"I don't know" Buyong replied honestly. "It just happened."

"Did... you know... you guys..."

"No!" she screamed over the phone. She took a deep breath and relaxed a bit before continuing. "No, we didn't. We were both fully dressed when we woke up."

"You sound a bit disappointed" Taeyeon teased.

Buyong blushed. In fact she was surprised that nothing had happened, and secretly had wished that they had at least kissed. "I've got to go get ready for the show."

"Okay" Taeyeon smiled. "Good luck today! Have fun!"

At the end of the day, the activities director and department supervisor came to notify the habitat team that a function had been scheduled. "In two weeks, there will be a function held in the habitat viewing room. I want you all to check over everything and make sure that there won't be any problems. If you find something, please notify us immediately so that it can be addressed before the event."

"Yes" the entire staff responded before closing for the day.

The following day, before opening to the public, the staff did a rigorous check of the habitat and the viewing area to make sure that everything was in good order for the event. Thankfully, no problems were found.

The weeks passed by quickly and soon it was the day before the event. "Good job everyone!" the department supervisor called out. "You all have been working very hard, thank you. I know you are all very excited about the event tomorrow, but please remember that they are our guests. Please try to remain professional." All the girls, except Buyong and Taeyeon, giggled in excitement and the guys just shook their heads at their behavior.

The next day, the habitat was closed to the public so that the staff could prepare for the event. Buyong was in the habitat doing one last internal check, when she was signaled from the viewing room to surface because she was needed. She quickly swam to the diving platform and exited the habitat.

"Buyong!" the department supervisor called out as he approached her.

"Yes!" she quickly rose to greet him.

"I thought that you were a guest for this event. What are you doing here?"

Buyong giggled "I may be invited to the event, but I'm still an employee here and I want to do my part to help. Besides, I wanted to take the opportunity to really check the habitat thoroughly while the viewing platform is closed."

"I appreciate your dedication." he said as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Were there any problems?"

"No sir, there are no problems with the habitat" Buyong responded.

"Good" he smiled. "I think the rest of the staff has everything under control, so you can go home and rest. That way you aren't too tired for the event this evening. You really deserve it, after all your hard work."

"Thank you sir!" Buyong smiled. "If it's not too much trouble, can Taeyeon leave too? She is supposed to accompany me to the event."

"Of course" he smiled. "I hope you both have a good time tonight."

"Thank you sir!" Buyong smiled and bowed before running off to find Taeyeon.

They quickly rushed off to their apartment and pulled out their outfits for the event. "I can't believe the supervisor let us go early! I was so worried that we wouldn't have enough time to get ready" Taeyeon said as she collapsed on the couch.

"I was surprised too" Buyong smiled as she sat next to her. "What should we do now?"

Taeyeon looked at the clock and said "Seeing we have the time now, how about we go and get our hair done at the salon?"

Buyong smiled and said "Okay!" They then rushed off to the salon.

"Welcome ladies! How can we help you today?" the receptionist greeted them.

"We are going to a semi-formal event tonight and would like to have our hair done up" Taeyeon replied.

"I see, please have a seat over here" the receptionist gestured to a chair behind her. Taeyeon walked over and sat down and then the receptionist turned her to face the mirror. "Were you thinking of an up do" she held Taeyeon's hair up "or were you thinking more of a simple down style?" she then swept her hair over to one side and draped it over her shoulder.

"I think I want an up do" Taeyeon said happily.

"I'm more of a down style" Buyong replied shyly.

"Okay!" the receptionist said with a smile. "What time is your event?"

"It starts at seven" Buyong responded

"Do you have far to travel?"

"No" Taeyeon shook her head.

"Okay" the receptionist looked at her book and said "We should be able to squeeze the two of you in at six. How does that sound?"

"At six?" Buyong replied confused. "You're not going to do our hair now?"

The receptionist giggled. "We could, but it would be better if you were already dressed for your event."

"Right" Taeyeon and Buyong smiled as they realized that it would be difficult to change if they had their hair done now.

"We also do make up application. If you like, we could offer a discount if you have both your hair and make up done."

The girls thought about it and decided that it would be nice to be pampered for once. After all, when was the next time they would be invited to an event like this? They returned to their apartment and relaxed until it was time for their salon appointment. They quickly dressed and returned tot he salon.

"Welcome back ladies!" the receptionist greeted them. "Come have a seat over here" she gestured to two chair behind her. The girls smiled, walked over and sat down. Two stylists came over and the receptionist introduced them. "This is Jieun and Sooyoung. They will be your stylists this evening."

The stylists bowed and quickly got to work. "So, where are you ladies headed tonight?" Jieun asked.

"The aquarium" Buyong replied.

"Isn't that the event Infinite is holding?" Sooyoung perked up.

"Yes" Taeyeon responded. "We were invited to the event."

"Wow! You girls are so lucky! I wish we had been invited" Jieun pouted as she finished applying Buyong's make up.

"I know!" Sooyoung pouted as well. "How did you guys get invited?" she inquired.

The girls knew that they shouldn't tell them the truth, so Buyong simply said "We work for the aquarium."

"Ohhh" the stylists nodded. "Wow! They are so nice to invite the staff to the event! Well, we hope you have a good time!"

"Thank you!" Buyong smiled as she paid the bill. Then they quickly left before they could ask them to get an autograph for them.

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