Part 7

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A few months later, the filming for the MV began and the staff became nervous about how they would apply the makeup.

"Why did they have to do a mermaid concept? Now we have to create gills and webbing for her hands? This is insane!" one of the staff members complained. "We're not special effects artists. We don't know how to do that!"

Buyong arrived at the studio and was immediately greeted by the members of Infinite. "Buyong!" Dongwoo screamed as he spotted her.

"Hi, guys!" she greeted them as they surrounded her. Then she walked over to the director and greeted him "Hello I'm Buyong, the mermaid, It's a pleasure to be working with you."

The director acknowledged her and continued with his directions to the crew. Buyong walked with the members of Infinite and greeted the other staff members. "And these are the best makeup artists!" Dongwoo said with his usual grin as they entered the dressing room.

The staff turned to greet them and said "Hi guys! Are you ready to get started?"

"Yes!" they all shouted in unison.

The stylist came forward and handed each of them a piece of paper with design ideas for their outfits for the MV. "The concept is being stranded on an island after an accident, so I felt it would be best to have that reflected in your costumes. As for the mermaid, I wanted to find an outfit that would flow well in the water and still be appropriate to wear when on land. What do you all think?"

The guys all nodded and said that their costumes would be fine, but Buyong spoke up and said "I love the idea, but we might need to make some modifications to the outfit once I try it on."

The stylist looked up in shock "Why? What's wrong with it?"

Buyong was nervous because this was the first time she had ever participated in such an elaborate production. "The costume might be difficult to swim in and it might interfere with my breathing."

"I already took that into consideration" the stylist retorted.

Buyong took a deep breath and said "I don't mean to be rude, but you didn't take into consideration where my gills are."

"What are you talking about? The gills are going to be applied by the makeup artists. They can put them were they will be seen, don't worry about it!"

"I beg to differ" Buyong said calmly as she raised her hand and expanded her fingers. "The webbing and gills are not being applied by the staff." Then she pulled down the collar of her shirt and showed the stylist where her gills were.

"Why weren't we told about this?" the stylist looked to the other staff members.

"Don't look at us, we had no clue!"

"I'm sorry, but we weren't told about that" the stylist apologized. "We will do our best to modify the outfit."

Buyong smiled "Please don't worry about it too much. We can work on it together."

The staff looked at her with awe. They didn't expect her to be willing to help them. "Together?"

"Yeah! If we work together, then we will be able to modify the outfit quicker and the shooting won't be delayed."

"Thank you" the staff said with a bow. Then they led her to the dressing room and they all began working on the outfit.

Buyong went into the changing booth and put the outfit on, then she came out and said "The skirt is a little long and will get in the way when swimming. If we can shorten it by about three inches it should be okay. As for the top, I think we should consider making it a strapless."

The staff's eyes widened "Strapless? You can't be serious?"

Buyong looked back at them and said "Why not? Strapless would be best, because it wouldn't interfere with the swimming or my breathing."

"And what if it slips?" the staff nervously questioned.

Buyong smiled and said "Just take it in an inch or two. The tighter fit will help to prevent it from moving."

Buyong quickly changed back into her clothes and the staff immediately got to work modifying the outfit.

"So, how is it going?" Dongwoo asked as he entered the room.

Buyong turned around and smiled "Wow, your outfit looks great!"

"Thanks" Dongwoo blushed. Then he looked at the staff who were busy working and asked again "How is it going?"

"Not bad" she replied. "They only need to modify it a little."

"Buyong! Come and try this on!" a staff member yelled waving the skirt in the air.

Buyong ran over and quickly changed. She came out and said "It's perfect! Just the right length."

The staff members smiled and cheered. Then the other group came over and said "Now try the top." She returned to the changing room and changed into the top.

Dongwoo was about to take a seat, when she came back out. Instead of a chair, he found himself sitting on the floor. The staff members giggled and Buyong simply walked over and held out her hand "Need some help?" she asked with a smile.

Dongwoo blushed as he took her hand. She helped him up and he said "Your outfit..." he blushed some more "is amazing!"

She looked down at the outfit and turned around to show it off. "Do you really think so?" Dongwoo smiled like an idiot and nodded.

"Let's go show the director" the staff members said as they grabbed Buyong by the arm and dragged her from the room.

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