Part 10

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As they closed the door, Sunggyu whispered "You want to rest in my room?"

"No thanks, I'm good" Hoya replied as he walked over to the couch. Then, as though he just came to a realization, he said "Hyung! The guys are probably going to be hungry when they wake up."

"Yeah, you're right" he also began to think. "We should probably cook something for when they wake up."

"Sounds good to me" Hoya smiled as he and Sunggyu walked into the kitchen and prepared a fabulous meal.

Everyone slowly woke from their naps and were greeted with the smell of food. Well, everyone except Dongwoo and Buyong. They were still fast asleep. "Should we wake them?" Hoya whispered to Sunggyu.

"No," he smirked "let them sleep."

Dongwoo started to stir, as the smell of food slowly crept into the room. He rolled over and sleepily opened his eyes. He was shocked, when he found himself face to face with Buyong. How did she get here?

Just as he was about to try and get up without waking her, she opened her eyes. She backed up in shock and would have fallen off the bed if Dongwoo hadn't caught her. As he pulled her closer, they both blushed. They silently laid in each others arms, until Buyong suddenly spoke.

"Umm... you can let go now. I don't think I'm going to fall off the bed anymore." Her heart began to beat incredibly fast.

Dongwoo nervously chuckled and said "Right" as he slowly backed away from her. His heart still pounding from her touch.

They tried to calm themselves as they got out of the bed, but their hearts just wouldn't slow down.

"What am I doing here?" she asked honestly confused. And why was I in your bed?

"I don't know" Dongwoo replied as he scratched the back of his head. "I remember we were giving you a ride home, but I fell asleep. Then I was woken by the guys telling me to get inside the dorm. I just came inside and crashed on my bed. I really don't know how you got here."

"Yeah, I remember that you guys were giving me the ride, but I think I might have fallen asleep too."

"Well, it looks like they made some food. Why don't we get something to eat first. It's hard to think on an empty stomach." And, right on cue, both of their stomachs grumbled. They looked at each other and laughed. She nodded and they both exited the room.

As they came out into the living room, they were greeted by four very shocked members.

"What's going on?" Sungyeol shouted.

"Why is she here?" L asked.

"More importantly, why was she alone with Dongwoo in his room?" Woohyun asked.

"Calm down everyone" Sunggyu spoke up. "She fell asleep in the van and we didn't know where to bring her. So, Hoya let her sleep on his bed while we made food for you ungrateful brats."

The members all nodded at Sunggyu's explanation. Dongwoo and Buyong would have believed Infinite's charismatic leader, if they hadn't woken up in the same bed. Hoya looked at the couple and stifled his laughter.

"You should have woken me" Buyong said.

"We tried" Sunggyu retorted "but you were out cold."

"We thought it would be better for you to just sleep and bring you home after you woke up" Hoya offered.

Dongwoo and Buyong sat down at the table and enjoyed the food that had been prepared. After the meal, Buyong sat and relaxed with the guys while waiting for their manager to come and bring her home.

"I've really had fun hanging out with all of you guys" Buyong said with melancholy in her voice.

"It sounds like you're never going to see us again" Sungjong pouted.

"It’s not that..."

"Hey, I thought we were friends" Sungyeol interrupted.

"I've got an idea!" Woohyun shouted and everyone turned to face him. "Why don't we have a wrap up party?"

"Wrap up party?" Buyong questioned curiously.

"Yeah! We can invite the entire crew too!" he continued with excitement.

"Where would we have it?" Sunggyu questioned.

"How about the aquarium?" Hoya spoke up. "When Dongwoo and I were going to buy tickets, I saw that they rent out the habitat viewing room for functions. I think it would fit the theme of our video well. What do you guys think?"

"Hoya!" L shouted "You're a genius!"

"It's perfect!" Woohyun smiled."

"What about food?" Sungjong asked.

They all thought about it, but they didn't know what they should order. Suddenly, Buyong offered a suggestion "There is a really good restaurant not far from the aquarium. They make deliveries to us all the time. If you give them a call, I'm sure you could come to an arrangement for the party."

"What do they have?" Sunggyu asked.

"Fried chicken..."

"Sold!" They all shouted before she could even tell them the other menu items.

Their manager arrived and Buyong bid them farewell. "We'll see you soon!" They called after her. "You better come to the party!"

"Don't worry, I will!" she smiled as she waved goodbye.

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