Part 12

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The girls giggled as they walked to the aquarium. "May we see your invitation?" one of the staff sarcastically said as they approached the gates.

"Ya! Dongjun!" Buyong laughed.

"Sorry Buyong, they are watching us to make sure we check everyone" Dongjun frowned.

Buyong smiled and pulled out the invitation Infinite had insisted upon giving her.

"When did you get that?" Taeyeon asked.

"Woohyun dropped it off while you were at work last week. Said it might be good to have."

"Thank you ladies" Dongjun said very professionally. "Have a good evening."

The girls walked inside and were impressed with the set up of the viewing platform. Sunggyu noticed that they had arrived and immediately went over to greet them. "Hi Buyong!"

"Hi Sunggyu!"

"This must be your friend that you told us about."

"Yes, this is Taeyeon."

Taeyeon elbowed Buyong in the side and whispered "And what exactly did you tell them?"

Buyong giggled. "She said you were her best friend" Sunggyu replied and Taeyeon blushed. "Come with me Taeyeon."

Taeyeon looked up in surprise "Why, Oppa?"

Sunggyu smiled "So that I can introduce you to the other members."

Buyong grabbed Taeyeon by the arm and said "Lead the way!" Sunggyu brought them over to where the other members of Infinite were huddled. "Where is Dongwoo?" she asked, noticing that he was missing.

"He'll be right back" Hoya replied. "He went to check on the food."

Taeyeon giggled "He really loves his food, doesn't he?"

Buyong shook her arm. "Yeah he does" Hoya chuckled.

Dongwoo returned to the group and L asked "Hyung, when is the food coming?"

"They said that it should be here in about fifteen minutes. Apparently, they were having problems with the delivery truck." He looked up from his phone and came face to face with Buyong. "Wow, you look amazing!"

Buyong blushed "Thank you, Oppa."

The fifteen minutes passed by in an instant and the food arrived. "Sunggyu, the food is here" their manager said as he pulled him aside.

"Thanks, Hyung" Sunggyu said as he went over to pay.

Buyong looked over at the delivery boy and smiled. "Oppa!" she called out as she ran over to greet the young man.

"Buyong! What are you doing here?" he asked as he hugged her.

"Can't you tell?" she smiled as she twirled around "I was invited!"

"Why would they invite someone like you?" he laughed.

"Because she helped us a great deal for this upcoming comeback" Sunggyu stated flatly. "Buyong, do you know this guy?" The other members of Infinite came over when they saw Buyong talking with the young man.

Buyong smiled "Yeah, this is..."

"Her boyfriend!"

"Oh, we didn't know she had a boyfriend. She never mentioned it" Hoya stated.

"Yeah, well when you've been together as long as we have" he pulled Buyong closer "you sometimes forget to mention these things" he chuckled.

"If you're her boyfriend, why don't you stay and join us?" Sunggyu suggested.

"Are you sure you don't mind? I'm not really dressed for the party."

"That's okay!" Sunggyu smiled. "Oh, by the way, we didn't catch your name."

"My name is Minwoo. It's a pleasure to meet you Sunggyu Hyung" he replied with a slight bow.

While all the guys were cheerfully chatting up Minwoo, Dongwoo noticed that Buyong had disappeared. He looked around and saw her sneaking up to the diving platform, so he casually followed her.

"What are you doing up here by yourself when your boyfriend is downstairs?" Dongwoo asked, even though it hurt him to do so.

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