Part 8

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The director looked over her outfit and gave it his approval. Then he gathered everyone and went over the plan for filming. He explained the concept once more for everyone and then explained each person's role.

"As you all know, the concept for the MV is a mermaid fantasy. Buyong will be playing the role of the mermaid." He gestured to Buyong and she smiled and bowed. "The storyline is quite simple. The members of Infinite get into a plane crash over the ocean. This is when the fantasy begins. Dongwoo will represent you all sinking to the bottom of the ocean. Buyong comes, revives him and swims around in the ocean with him. Then they will swim up to the surface. When he breaks the surface of the water, Sunggyu will be in his place. Sunggyu then swims with Buyong to the island and discovers her home there. They will have a little playful fun together. Then she will exit the house and Sungjong will follow her out.  She and Sungjong will walk along the beach and find a coconut tree. Sungjong will climb up the tree and toss down a couple of coconuts. Buyong will crack them open and they will drink from them. They will make their way back to her home. She will wait on the beach while he goes inside. That is where Woohyun will take over. Woohyun will make a cup of tea for the two of them and bring it out to her. As she is standing on the beach, Woohyun will come up from behind her and wrap his arms around her. He will have a blanket draped around him and they will enjoy the sunset together. The following day, we will see her coming out of the ocean with some fish and she and Sungyeol will make food together and then sit and eat. We can make this a little playful too. Then as she is cleaning the dishes, Hoya will be making a necklace out of shells and pearls. He will walk up from behind her and place it on her neck. She will then turn around and hug him. Finally, they will walk out of the house hand in hand. This is where L will take over. As the sun sets on the second day, he will lie down on the beach and she will cuddle up next to him. He will hug her tightly and kiss her on the forehead. After he has fallen asleep, Buyong will get up and walk into the ocean. As the sun rises the next morning, we find the seven members lying on the beach amidst the wreckage from the plane crash. The members open their eyes and see a rescue boat before them. They look at one another as they get aboard the boat. As the boat sails away, the seven of you look towards the island one last time. The camera will then focus on the island and Buyong will come back out from the ocean and look in the direction you left from."

The guys all nod along as the director explains how the filming is going to take place.

"Basically, it is a fantasy that you all play out in your head while unconscious. Are there any questions?"

"No!" they all said with excitement.

"Good, let's get started then."

As the filming kicked off, Dongwoo, Sunggyu and Buyong were brought to a diving habitat. Once they arrived, Buyong quickly dove into the water. "Where does she think she is going?" one of the professional escort divers asked.

"Probably going to get familiar with her surroundings" Dongwoo said and both he and Sunggyu smiled.

"Well, it won't do her any good without an oxygen tank." Dongwoo and Sunggyu looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh. The escort divers quickly suited up explained the procedure to Dongwoo. "Do you have any questions?"

"Nope" Dongwoo smiled "I've got it!"

"Good" the first escort diver said as he prepared to enter the water.

The other escort diver stood at the platform waiting for Buyong to come back. "Where did she go?" He looked back at the crew and said "I think we have a problem."

"What's going on?" the other escort diver asked as he approached.

"She hasn't come back up yet. I think she might be in trouble."

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