Chapter 2

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"Oh my god... Was he cute?"

"Kris! That's not the point!" I exclaim as I cross my arms over my chest. How could she even think about that? First of all, he knocked a stranger to the ground right in front of me. Okay, so maybe he was doing it for me, but he did the same to Calum. He hasn't got an excuse for that one.

"Well it could be," my ginger friend mumbles to herself.

After last night's events I rushed to find Kris and we left as soon as possible. Ever since we've been back to the dorms on campus I've been explaining all of this to my idiotic roommate. Kris just wants to know if he was hot or not.

And believe me, we both have terrible hangovers.

"Go get me an Aspirin," I say to Kris as I flop backwards onto my bed rubbing my throbbing temple.

"Why don't you go and get me one?" She suggests but receives only a grunt from me in response.

"How about I get it," follows a quirky voice. I look up over my shoulder to see Louis shut the door behind him. I thank him as he wanders off towards the kitchen. Trust me, I love Kris and Louis dearly, but the last thing I need right now is an adorable couple.

"Here you go," he says as he hands me an Aspirin. As soon as I've swallowed the medicine, I rush out the door. "Um... Blakely?" I grunt as I hear Louis's voice, but I turn around anyways. "You might want to put on some clothes first."


Once I'm dressed and ready to leave, I decide to stop by the coffee shop on campus. I order some black coffee, hoping it will help with my agonizing headache. I grab it as soon as it's ready and head towards the exit.

"Well look what the cat dragged in," mocks an annoying voice. I turn around and see the girl with the shiny black hair that Luke kissed last night. "I actually think I saw my grandmother wear that to church last weekend," she sneers. Instead of Luke, however, Josh is sitting next to her smiling.

"What's the matter, Josh? Was Blondie not entertaining enough for you?" I don't know why, but I come out of the coffee shop crying. Well, we have been together for three years. Or... "Had" anyways.

There's only a few feet left to my car, I think to myself. Once I'm there I slide to my knees on the passenger side. I can't believe Josh would do all of this. Three years. Three years I spent with that. Three years of my life wasted. We had been together since junior year and had both decided to go the same college because we thought we would end up together. Our families have both been best friends, and our mothers are practically planning our wedding. My mother loves Josh. She is going to pitch a fit once I tell her that I broke up with him. She'll probably even tell me to go back.

After a few minutes of crying I swear I see blonde hair. I wipe my clouded eyes, and, sure enough, someone is standing there.

"Luke?" I ask in a small voice.

"No. My name is Niall." He has blonde hair like Luke, but it is bright blue at the tips. Niall also has tattoos trailing down his arms, and he has way more piercings than Luke. He has an eyebrow ring, lip ring, and about three earrings. But he seems.... Safer than Luke somehow. Definitely friendlier.

"Blakely," I say as he reaches down to help me up from my spot on the ground.

"Why were you crying?" he asks me. Niall brushes back a piece of my hair and looks me in the eyes.

"Well, you see.. Um... It's complicated."

"Well then," he opens the passenger door and picks me up bridal style to set me inside my white Audi. I laugh as he puts me in. "That's a better sound," Niall says with a wink.

"Niall, what are you doing?" I say between giggles.

"I'm taking you home, what does it look like?" he smiles as he climbs into the driver side of the car. I should probably say no considering he is a stranger and I only know his name, but I think back to Luke kissing that girl and Josh with the blonde and decide what could he do that could be any worse? So I nod and Niall starts the car.

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