Chapter 16

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I watch as my best friend's lifeless body falls to the ground. Tears threaten to spill from my eyes, but I won't let them. I won't cry in front of these people. I won't give them that satisfaction.

I close my eyes but wince in pain as Niall pulls my hair. "See what happens?" I don't want to make things worse, so I just nod. "Good."

Then Jason walks over to me. He's the one who killed Kris, and I make it my mission to make him suffer.

"Niall. Have your way with her; she's only bait." I have no idea what Jason means by me being bait, but my heart thuds rapidly as he walks out of the room, leaving me with Niall.

"See. You shouldn't have been so rude, Blakely. Things wouldn't have turned out this way." Then he begins to brush my hair back and trails his fingers up and down my arm. I can feel my breath hitch in my throat, my body becomes tense; nothing can help me.

He slowly takes the tape off of my mouth and tears start to form in my eyes, not from the pain, but from the betrayal. "Why?" I ask as I choke on a sob. "I though Jason wanted to hurt you too?"

Niall only laughs at this. "He did want to, but he said he wouldn't if I helped him. But hey, no harm done. You never loved me anyways." He says the last part with a sneer, but I can see the hurt behind his expression.

"You can't keep me here forever. They'll notice I'm missing. Someone will come after me," I reply all too soon. Niall yanks my hair and a small cry falls past my lips.

"Princess. I can keep you here as long as I want." And with that he turns to leave, but before he does, he turns around and strikes his hand across my cheek. "And I'm gonna have some fun too," he whispers into my ear. A shiver runs down my spine as he walks away with that smirk plastered on his face.



I knock on Blakely's door for the fifth time in the past two minutes. I don't want to intrude, but I slowly open the door to the dorm she and Kris share. "Blakely? Kris?" I call out but only receive silence in reply. Quietly I walk towards Blakely's bedroom and knock, again, receiving no answer. Without hesitation this time, I walk into her room and am surprised to find a note on her bed.

Meet me behind the main office! -Kris xx

Then I realize she is probably out with Kris, so I decide to walk back to my car. Halfway there I notice a piece of paper rolling around with the wind. Reaching down to pick it up I am surprised to find yet another note from Kris to Blakely.

Oops! I got bored. I'm headed to Starbucks. You should come too! -Kris xx

Suspicion wanders into my thoughts. This isn't Kris's handwriting? Although it is oddly similar, it's not hers. But in order to find my project partner, I decide to drive to Starbucks.

When I arrive, I notice Blakely's car parked in the parking lot right next to Kris's car. I sigh in relief and start to get out of my car but see movement out of the corner of my eye. My sight is instantly drawn to the commotion right around the corner of the building. What I see terrifies me.

Blakely is struggling against a man in black. She's holding up quite well on her own until she is able to take the mask off of her captor. When she sees who it is, she freezes, giving him the perfect opportunity to sling her over his shoulder and carry her away.

Without thinking, I run after them. Ducking behind a bush I watch another man walk up and drug Blakely into unconsciousness. They then slide her into their car and hop in themselves. At this I sprint back to my car and follow them to a house that I have been to once before but never again.

Jason's house.

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