Chapter 22

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(Seventeen days; nineteen hours)

I smile at Blakely's request as I re-live the memory of meeting Ashton.

I walked down the grocery store aisle to grab some drinks for the party at my house later on that evening. With my hands full, I quickly ran down the aisle. With my terrible luck, I run into someone and drop everything, falling to the floor.

"Watch where you're going," I snapped as I started to pick up my dropped items.

"God," the other person said as they got up from the floor.

"Oh. So, you don't have the decency to say 'sorry'? Or even help me pick up my groceries?" I asked rudely. The other person rolls their eyes as they reach down to help me pick up stuff. I looked up and noticed it was a boy around my age. He was way taller than me though. He was kind of hot.

"There you go, your Majesty," he replied sarcastically. "Why do you need vodka and beer on a Thursday night?" he asked as he inspected my items. I hastily snatched them from his hands, but he moved them before I could.

I jumped up and down as he held them high above his hands. "Give them to me!" I exclaimed, attracting stares.

"What are they for?" he asked once more.

I sighed. "I'm having a party later on tonight."

He smirked. "What's your name?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?"

"Ouch, Princess. That hurt," he replied holding his hand over his heart mockingly.

"My name is Liza. Now may I please have those back?" I asked again.

He handed them to me. "Only because you used your manners."

I rolled my eyes and started to walk away, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. "I'm Ashton by the way," he said, purposefully blowing hot air on my neck. "And I guess I'll see you tonight." Then he walked away, leaving me speechless.


I got ready surprisingly fast. I was wearing a short, long-sleeved, black dress. I had barely put on any make-up. Just some blush and mascara along with some red lipstick for color. I left my hair down in its natural waves and put on a golden necklace. To top it off, I slid on a pair of red high heels.

I made my way downstairs and made sure everything was set up. Then people started started filing in and pretty soon the place was packed. Thank God for my parents' constant working.

I stood in the kitchen filling up my red cup when a pair of arms slid around my waist. I tilted my head back only to gaze into Ashton's green eyes. Putting my drink down, I turned to fully face him, my hands resting on his chest.

"Hey," I said quietly, unsure he even heard me.

"Hi," he replied. "Let's go play Truth or Dare," he told me as he took my hand, leading me into the living room. Sitting there were some people I recognized from college. Luke, Calum, Michael, and another girl whom I didn't know. We sat down as Ashton introduced me.

"Alright. Let's get this started," Luke said while rubbing his hands together. He spins the bottle, it landing on Calum. "Calum, Truth or Dare?" Luke asked.

"Truth," Calum replied. Luke rolled his eyes.

"Is it true that you took Amanda Brown behind the bleachers last year and made out?" Luke asked him.

Calum glared at him, stiffening. The girl whom I've come to know as Rachel, rubbed his back reassuringly, whispering into his ear.

"Yes...," Calum finally muttered. Luke smirked in success. Calum reached out to spin the bottle, it landing on me. "Liza. Truth or dare?"

"Um.. dare," I replied.

"I dare you to... Make-out with Michael," he said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes and started to get up but Ashton pulled me back down.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"No," Ashton informed me.

"No?" I asked sarcastically.


"You can't tell me what to do. I'm not your girlfriend, Irwin."

His eyes showed that he was hurt, but he held be back down. "You are not going to kiss him," he sternly said.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "Sure I will! Don't treat me like a child!" I jerked my hand out of his and sat in the couch next to Michael.

"You sure about this?" he asked wearily. I nodded. However, as soon as our lips touched Ashton grabbed my arm and made me stand up.

"What the-?!" I asked for the millionth time that night. He didn't answer. He just dragged me upstairs and we surprisingly ended up in my room. "What are you doing, Ashton?!"

He looked at me with a hurtful expression. "Were you really going to kiss him?"

His question surprised me. "Um... yes," I replied. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Ashton, you don't own me."

This time he looked at me, but there was a spark in his eyes like a fire being ignited. Suddenly, he pushed me up against my door, his hands trailing up and down my side. He brought his lips to my collarbone and lightly kissed.

"But could he ever kiss you like this?" he questioned. A gasp fell across my lips. He then began to passionately kiss me. My hands tangled in his hair, his around my waist. All too soon, he pulled away, smirking. "I didn't think so." And with that he kissed me on the cheek and walked out.



I can tell Blakely is confused and I smile. "That's exactly how I felt."

Never || punk l.h.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang