Chapter 13

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Have you ever had that feeling of being entirely helpless? Like you were free falling forever and there was no way out? It's like drowning while watching everyone else breathing around you.

That's exactly how I feel.

I know what people are doing around me and what they are saying. But it's like there is an invisible force keeping my eyes shut and my body pinned to the ground. I can't stand not being able to do things on my own. And that was my worst fear.


That didn't make matters better when Blakely came to visit me that first day. I could hear her speaking, but I couldn't make out the words just right. I could feel something touch my hand, but I didn't know what it was. Maybe she had kissed it. I will never know.

So for now, I'm stuck in this stage of helplessness.... and no mater how hard I try

I can't get out.



I shut the door behind me, and walk towards Luke's room. I'm done with Niall. And all his games. I know he's no good for me. Or anyone for that matter. I was just an upset, naive girl when I met him.

I know I'm not suppose to go in other patients rooms,-I've tried it before- but I go open Luke's door anyways. It's been around three days since I last visited, and I only have twenty-seven days until I have to go back to America. I might not even get to tell Luke goodbye.

But I'll be okay. I tell myself this over and over again. What happens happens. I can't change that, and I'm just going to have to live with it.

I sigh as I tell myself these things, but I know that I won't feel better. There is nothing I can do. My mom is making me go back to America.

Sitting here isn't going to change things either, so I take one last look at him, listen to that heart monitor beep one last time and turn. I close my eyes as a single tear falls and reach for the cold doorknob. I twist it and walk out the door. I close it shut behind me knowing that there's a possibility I may never speak to Luke again.


The next day I'm able to return to my classes. Kris walks with me that morning with the permission to skip her first hour of classes. She's been constantly worried. So much has happened with the both of us lately, and I still haven't talked to her about Jason. I don't want to raise her anxiety levels especially since she had a bit of a hard past. So I keep quiet.

Once we reach my first period Kris gives me a worried look, but goes off to her classes as well. Once I walk in I notice that I'm one of the first people to class, so I sit down in my usual seat in the back. After a few minutes, other students start to spill in. I drop my head in my hands and sigh. They all probably think I'm the most pathetic person.

I look up when I notice someone sitting next to me. That seat is usually vacant, but now a boy is sitting in it. He looks faintly familiar. I know I've met him, but I can't think of his name.

"Hi, Blakely," he says as if we've known each other forever. I smile, but I can't seem to remember his name. He has red(ish) black hair that I'm sure I haven't seen before, but he has that familiar face.

Then I remember. "Hi, Michael!" He laughs as he notices that I couldn't remember his name. I blush in embarrassment. "It was the hair! Ugh!" I use as an excuse as I bang my head on my desk. Michael just laughs again.

"Since when are you in this class?" he asks while raising one eyebrow while I mimic him.

"Actually, you're the new kid," I say with a laugh. His mouth forms an O shape, but before I can explain, our teacher tells everyone to settle down. I've never really been one to listen to the teacher, but I feel like this might actually be important.

"As you know, semester exams are coming up, but this time we aren't going to have an exam-." She gets cut off by whoops and cheers from all the students. She gives an annoyed look. "Instead, we will have a project!" This silences all the excitement that has spread about the room. I even see a fist-bump frozen in mid-air. Our teacher smiles in triumph.

"You will be placed in partners, and you will have to do research and write an essay on one of the wars that has happened throughout history. But the war you choose to research will be of your choice." She rambles on and on about the rules and subjects that will be needed for the essay.

After about ten minutes of unneeded information, she tells us that the list of partners will be hanging up outside of her classroom after class.

The rest of the class goes by in a blur, and I finally hear the bell ring. I hastily grab my binder and rush out into the hall where a mob has already started to crowd the bulletin board outside the classroom. I sigh and push my way through everyone else. They eventually let me in knowing that I can get pretty hostile.

As soon as I read my partners name a hand clasps down on my shoulder. "Looks like we're partners!" exclaims Michael.

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