Chapter 17

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So I decided to do a little countdown thingy for when Blakely goes back to America so enjoy! :D


(Eighteen days; twelve hours)

All I've been able to do is think for the past twenty-four hours.

Time. Everything revolves around time. Education, family events, lifestyle. Everything is affected by how time occurs. By the hour, the minute, or even the second. Anything can happen. Your life can change completely within a matter. Of seconds.

One you're alive, one you're not. One you're happy, one you're depressed. One you're healthy, one you're in extreme pain.

One you have a best friend and the next you don't.

But no matter what we do, time can't change. We can't fix the moments of the past. Or change the occurrences of the future. However, we can change now.

I can recall memories. Those I'm not proud of and those that make me smile. No matter what we do-we'll always have these memories and moments in time.

Like they say, "Timing is everything."


I awake in a haze as lines and stars dance across my vision. I start to reach up and rub my eyes but the reality of the moment strikes me.

1) I'm tied to a chair, kidnapped by someone who I thought I could trust. Someone I thought loved me.

2) My best friend died yesterday.

I will never see her again. The one person I trusted and have known for seven years. She's gone. We'll never sit in our dorm and share secrets. Never go on double dates. Never fight about how idiotic the other one is.

She'll never see Louis again. My heart aches for the two. They both had a terrible past, some things Kris never even told me. Somehow I know she knew Jason, though why she never informed me I will never know. It's too late. And I know that once Louis finds out, there will be no stopping him.



We're walking down the summer road near my parents' lake house. Blakely looks so perfect walking down the road. Her pale skin stands out in the bright light of the sun; she had blonde hair then, standing out in contrast. The sky around us beautiful as we go hand in hand towards the clear lake.

She's laughing at something and I smile at the sound. I miss her. I miss everything about her. Her smile, her small, delicate hands. Even how her hair only reached her shoulders and was wavy.

Once we reach the lake she stops and turns to look at me, her smile still lighting up her face. I lean and kiss her.

That was our first kiss. I've thought about that single memory ever since she left me. Every night I sit here in bed for hours thinking of what an idiot I am for ruining everything we had. She was the best thing that ever happened to me and I know one thing for certain.

I need her back.



After seeing where they took Blakeky, I immediately rode to the nearest police station, quickly explaining everything I knew, minus my past with Blaine.

"We'll see what we can do," the officer told me as he grabbed some other papers and started to walk off toward some other person.

"What do you mean? We have to go now!" I exclaim. How could they put this on hold? Jason and Niall could be plotting her murder right now!

"We have a lot of other issues to deal with at the moment. We will do what we can as soon as possible. But now I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Annoyed at his remark I angrily stomp out of the police station blinded by my frustration.

If you want something done, you have to do it yourself.

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