Chapter 19

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(Eighteen days; zero hours)

Now here we are sitting awkwardly at the nearest restaurant with Ashton and Calum.

"So what's this all about?" Calum asks impatiently.

I roll my eyes. "We have to wait for Zayn."

Ashton sighs. "Is he even coming? No one has talked to him in ages."

"He said he'd be here," Louis snaps. As if that triggered it, Zayn walks through the door at that moment. Ashton's eyes widen in surprise.

"What's this all about?" Zayn asks in a gruff voice, using the same words as Calum. "I have better things I could be doing at four in the afternoon."

"Um well...."

"Out with it, mate!" Zayn practically shouts, attracting stares from other people in the restaurant.

"Jason's back," I reply quietly, not even knowing if they heard me. But I know they have when Zayn sits back down calmly and the conversation becomes serious as eyes go wide.

"Let's put him back in his place," is all Zayn says.



The ironic thing is that I tried so desperately to not go back to America, yet here I am, possibly to never go anywhere again. I got my wish. I have been counting, and now I only have eighteen days before I am suppose to be sent back home.

Knowing I will seem totally crazy, I laugh anyways. It's just totally hysterical! I should be thankful, right?! THIS IS GREAT!

And please note the sarcasm.

Then that itchy feeling comes back in my foot. It's been like that ever since Kris died, almost sharp. Since they didn't tie my feet, I bring my leg up to my tied hands and scratch.

I almost cry out in pain. Then I know there is definitely something in my there. Hesitantly, I reach into my shoe and cut my finger on something.

"What the-?," I whisper as I watch a drop of blood trickle from my finger. This time, being more careful, I reach into my shoe and grab whatever it is that is hiding in there. When I pull my hand out, I gasp in surprise.

A knife.



I'm shocked when Michael tells us that Jason is back in town. Then rage course through my body. How? That guy was suppose to be in jail in Ireland. What has he done now?

"What has he done now?" I say, voicing my thoughts. When Michael looks up at me his eyes are iced over in fury.

"He kidnapped Blakely and Kris," he replies through clenched teeth. If Luke were here, he wouldn't even think. He would just go barging in there and try to kill Jason. I hate to say this, but thank God Luke is in a coma.

But then I remember the brunette from the party. Why did something like this have to happen to her? She didn't do anything? Then I remember the small, friendly ginger who helped drive her home. They don't deserve this.

"What can we do?" I ask out of curiosity.

"We were wondering if you guys would help us get them back?" Michael states, but it comes out more if a question.

Immediately Zayn jumps out of his chair. "NO! You know what happened last time we were with him! All of us almost went to jail!" Zayn exclaims louder than he should have.

Just then a guy walks up to us. He has short brown hair and brown eyes, confusion swimming around in them. "Did I hear you guys say Blakely and Kris were kidnapped?" he asks, alarmed. I look over at Louis to see that he has a scowl placed over his face.

"Josh, I don't think you have a right to know any of this. Just go," Louis replies shaking his head. The guy sighs and places his head in his hands.

"You don't understand. I loved her. And if she is in trouble, I want to do everything I can to help get her safe, even though she will hate me forever."

Michael looks over to Louis for confirmation, Zayn, Calum, and I still having no idea who this "Josh" is. Sighing Michael nods. "Sit down, Josh. We have a lot to explain."


After that we all went over to mine and Luke's dorm to discuss some things. Zayn left, saying he had some "things to take care of." Even Josh tagged along. (Michael gave me a full run-down on who he is.) So now all five of us sit around the living room part of the dorm.

"So how are we going to go about all this?" Calum asks Louis and Michael.

Michael and Louis both smirk at this, Louis being the one who answers. "We have an inside source now."

"Well who is it?" Josh asks before I can.

"Zayn and some girl named Liza," replies Louis. My eyes widen in shock at the sound of Liza's name.

"Oh no! We are not sending Liza in there with Jason! No way!" My voice is rising with every word, and I realize I'm standing up now.

"Too late, mate," say Michael, shrugging his shoulders. Just as I start to lunge at him, Calum grabs me by the shoulders.

"She knows what she's doing. Liza's a smart girl." I hold back a laugh at Calum's reply, but I guess he's right.

"So what are we suppose to do?" I ask. Then Michael and Louis smirk again which has proved to lead to something I won't like.

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