Chapter 7

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I pull my cart over to aisle thirteen and start putting cans on shelves. The clashing of metal hurts my ears and makes my teeth vibrate, but I get over it.

Suddenly a familiar brunette walks up and starts looking for something. I smile at Blakely's confused expression since she can't find what she's looking for. I put on a small smirk as I walk up to her. "Can I help you with something?"

She looks very surprised to see me here, but nods. "Um... Yes actually. I'm looking for-" but she doesn't finish because her eyes widen at something behind me. I spin around to see Jason pointing a gun at Blakely. My eyes widen in surprise. It's been years since I've seen him. We use to be friends actually. But those friendly brown eyes of his seem as if they've turned to stone. I knew he was a bad guy, so I quit hanging out with him. He made me this monster that I am today. He got me to do drugs and sleep with every girl I met. He's terrible. And seeing him point a gun at Blakely's head infuriates me.

I step between the two of them. "Jason. Just leave," I say through clenched teeth. He just grins.

"Luke. You sure got a prize here don't you? Mmm. Real pretty too. I bet she's good in bed. Isn't she, Lucas?" He laughs as he sees that I'm trying to control my breathing. I hear Blakely gasp behind me as he packs the cartridge into the gun. I try to think. I can't get busted for fighting. And the truth is: I don't know if I would even win.

I quickly think of something, and as soon as Jason pulls the trigger I knock Blakely down and wrap my arms around her and roll out into the next aisle. She screams, but I cover her mouth with my hand as I pick her up and run down to aisle one. I look around and see a clear spot on the bottom shelf. It looks big enough, so I slide into it and pull Blakely in with me. I wrap my arms around her from behind and curl my knees up on either side of her. I look around and grab a few packages to hide us.

Blakely starts to cry, but I make her look at me. "Blakely, look. It's going to be okay. You just have to be quiet," I whisper to her. She nods and covers her mouth with her hand. Soon enough I hear heavy footsteps and Jason's voice following.

"I know you're here, Luke. And I know you've got that pretty, little toy of yours with you. But don't think I won't find you after this. You know what I want. And I better get it soon too. Consider this your warning," he says and runs off. Then we hear police sirens.

As soon as I've made sure that no one is around, I slide out from behind the products and reach down to help Blakely out. As soon as she stands up she throws her arms around my neck and starts to cry. I can barely make out what she is saying between her sobs. "Thank you so much, Luke. That was.. amazing. And I don't know how I can thank you, but I just want you to know that I'm not mad at you any more. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been there."

I wrap my arms around her tiny frame. "It's okay. I just knew that I couldn't loose you. I would have died. I don't know what I would have done. So saving you was saving me too." I couldn't stop the rush of words that we're falling out of my mouth. But Blakely stops crying and looks up at me. Even when she's crying she is still so beautiful. And her eyes are still so bright and gorgeous.

She smiles and leans up and kisses me. It was just a peck, but it felt like the best thing in the world. She rests her head back on my chest and closes her eyes. I just want to stay like this forever. This is probably the best feeling in the world. It's as if all you could've ever hoped for happened. And a warm sensation just courses through you. It's just pure happiness. I never want this to end.



Luke and I both get questioned by the cops, but that only takes a couple of minutes. As soon as we are done, Luke walks up to me. I hug him and thank him once more, but he merely shrugs his shoulders. I grab ahold of his left wrist as he begins to walk away. He winces, but I barely notice. "Um... We should hang out sometime soon," I say nervously. I just realize how stupid I probably sounded and mentally face palm, but Luke just smiles.

"That sounds good," he says as he nods. I nod too as if confirming it for myself. But then Luke leans down and kisses me softly on the forehead, and so I hug him before he drives away.

When I turn around I see Niall running up to me. As soon as he reaches me he hugs me and spins me around. He sets me down and instantly begins checking my body for wounds. "Are you hurt?! Are you okay?! Oh my God I'm so happy you're alive," he says hugging me once more.

I cup Niall's cheeks with both my hands and tilt his head down to look at me. "Niall. I'm okay," I say making Niall's head nod up and down. He laughs and I feel his minty breath hit my face. Instantly I feel guilty for him knowing that while I was off making plans with Luke, Niall was wondering around worried about me, so I lean up and kiss his cheek. "Really, Niall. I'm fine."

"Okay. But we are going straight to my house." I nod and we get back into my car. "But first," Niall begins,"we are getting my car because this white Audi doesn't really suit my image," he says, laughing at the end, and so do I.


I still don't know what to do about Luke. Maybe I should give him a second chance. But what about Niall? He doesn't deserve to be treated this way.


At that time, my phone vibrates. I look down and see that it's and unknown number. I frown but read the text anyways.

I'll pick you up from your dorm at seven tomorrow. Wear something nice xx. -Luke

I smile at the text and imagine what he might do for tomorrow. I hope we don't go to a club. I literally hate those places. Too many sweaty and drunk people if you ask me.

Niall looks at me and notices the smile on my face. He chuckles,"What's got you smiling?" I just shake my head as we pull up at the café at which Niall left his car. He gets out of mine and gives me the directions to his house in case I lose him while trying to follow him there. I nod as he climbs into his car, and I slide into the driver's seat of mine.

I smile even bigger as I remember Luke saving me. I believe Luke said that guy's name was Jason. How did he even know him? This makes me wonder what else he might be hiding from me.

As I'm skimming through the stations on the radio my phone vibrates again. I looked to see that Kris texted me.

Where have you been?! There was a robbery at the store! You better get here soon before I have to come find you!

I roll my eyes at Kris and text Niall telling him that I have to go back to the dorm. After I turn around in the parking lot of the nearest restaurant, I start to pull out onto the freeway again. I'm stopped as the light turns red. I sigh, but then I notice something entirely different. In the car beside me is Jason. He's looking right at me as he talks on his phone.

I'm thankful when my phone vibrates, and I instantly press answer, not even bothering to look at the Caller ID. But my relief turns into dread as soon as I hear the deep terrifying voice on the other line. I gasp and cover my mouth with both my hands.

"Blakely.... You should've known that Luke couldn't protect you forever. But you're going to have to choose their fate. It's either Luke or Niall. And the one you don't choose.. Well. Let's just say they can't live without you. Literally."

Never || punk l.h.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ