10 - Sad Blowjobs

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next chapter is gonna be yikes

There were a lot of questions that Mitch had about Scott. Why he started that damn game. Why he wanted Mitch to be his first time. Why hair grew almost everywhere on his body, but not on his eyebrows. That boy was a fucking mystery.

When I walked back into my dorm room, nothing was different, really. Scott still ignored me. And I still ignored him. To be fair, though, he was on the phone. I couldn't help but sneak a glance at him when I heard him giggle.

Literally. Giggle.

His cheeks were red, and he was insisting that some dumb joke that he'd made was funny. And it was... so cute. But the moment the thought entered my mind, I immediately internally smacked myself for it. I was allowed to think he was hot, but not cute. I had to put boundaries on this. Plus, it was just that one moment. I doubt I'd ever have that problem again.

Pulling my laptop onto my lap, I plugged in my headphones and started to play some music while I started on some boring essay. I heard Scott laugh again, louder this time.

"It was funny, Avi!"

Oh yeah, Avi's one of those guys I saw hanging around him. He's is a senior, but it's still so weird to see a guy walking around with a full on beard in high school. I swear he could pass as a teacher if he wanted to.

I glanced up at the chart that Scott had posted on our wall. There were two point on my side, and only one on his. I smiled triumphantly.

I did my best to ignore Scott, I really did. But it was almost weird not bickering with him. We ignored each other like this a lot, but it just seemed like lately we were having more conversations where we just threw insults back and forth. I almost felt... no. Never mind.

I wasn't... upset that he wasn't paying attention to me, or anything. I just considered then that maybe I did deserve his attention, even if it was negative. Yeah. A dick like him could at least pay attention to the guy who took his virginity, thank you very much Mr. Hoying.

I looked down when my phone buzzed.

tyler: come 2 my dorm next saturday @ like 10 lets party
tyler: mama needs a drink

I laughed a tiny bit, obviously knowing that bit about partying was a joke. I told him of course, and kept on writing

Around a week later, I woke up in my bed. Which was normal, of course. But my head hurt like hell, and I was completely fucking naked.

Wait, never mind. We've had sex before, it's cool. But still, what the fuck? I tried to rack my brain for any memories from last night, and started to panic a little when I came up blank. Great. I was black out drunk. And the only person I probably had was Scott.
I sat up and covered myself with my blanket, looking around the room.

Scott was sitting on the edge of his bed too, and he looked like he was just... thinking. I coughed quietly to get him to look up, and he did.

He'd obviously been crying. What the fuck?

"Scott, do you remember what - happened...? Last night? And uh, you ok?" I couldn't have asked that more awkwardly. He just wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

"Yeah. Yeah. Sorry, just had a nightmare."

I really did feel bad for him. Which was honestly such a weird feeling.

I was in seventh grade. It was lunch and I was walking to the bathroom. When I walked in, I saw Scott in front of the mirror, wiping his tears with a paper towel.

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