5 - Rule Number Four

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Oh my god, Mitch, I'm so sorry, I-"

"Tyler I'm so sorry I-"

The two nearly spoke in unison when they met eyes for the first time that morning. Tyler looked almost panicked.

"I-I'm so sorry Mitch but I... I just want to be friends, and - "

I reassured him. "Me too, don't worry. This was just, uh... I don't know what it was. But it doesn't have to mean anything."

He gave me a hug, and I quickly returned. But I had to go back to my room quickly if I wanted to get ready in time for class.

I didn't notice Scott when I ran into the room and straight to the shower. But I definitely noticed him when I got out. He was lying on his bed, and all she sheets were on the floor. He was cuddled up to a pillow, and there was an empty bottle of alcohol on his nightstand.

Damn. Rough night, huh? I tried not to pay attention to the fact that he was only in boxers too. Well fitting ones also. I got my hair done and put on a leopard print tee shirt and white jeans.
Scott grunted from his spot on the bed, starting me a little. I looked over at him, but he had just to turned the other side.

Good. He'd be late.

After I'd finished panicking that morning, I realized how awful I felt. English was so awful, except for Tyler. Scott never showed up.

XXX-XXX-XXXX: Meet me at coffee shop

I looked down as my phone buzzed, confused.

Mitch: who is this ?? and how did you get my #

XXX-XXX-XXXX: Kirstin. It's Scott idiot

Why did Scott want to meet me at a cafe? Was he going to do something? It's not like we had some back and forth thing going on, it was just a messy sort of rivalry. I decided not to dignify him with an answer.

I skipped my next period and got my car, tapping my fingers on the wheel. Why was I even doing what he said? He was just going to do some awful shit.
The little bell rang as I walked in, and I looked around for a second before finding him outside. I got a cup of coffee walked over to his table. When I placed the drink down he finally looked up.

"What do you want." I sat down and took a sip. He sighed and put down a piece of paper on the table. It was done in red sharpie, and bled through to the other side. It was a T-chart that had two sides.

I looked down at the paper and my eyes widened

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I looked down at the paper and my eyes widened. I looked back up at him, about to ask where the fuck he found it, when he answered my own question.
"I found it last night when I was drunk. It was under my bed with my old stuff."
I remembered it all too well, from 6th to 8th grade. A record of how many times I had beaten him, and how many times he had beaten me. In silly kid stuff, of course.

I just looked at him, confused and unimpressed. I was skipping math for this. "And?"

"Look." He pointed to the last few on my column. "There's six here." Then he did the same to his. "And five here."
"Yeah, I know. I won. Are you here to say that you respect me and you'll leave me alone? Because if not, I have better things that I could be doing right now." I took another sip of my coffee, and he just huffed out a sigh.

"No I'm not, I'm here to say that we're keeping track again."

I choked a little on my coffee from laugher, and put it down. "Are you kidding me? That's so dumb."

He seemed offended. "No it's not. I made it better too." He leaned forward in his chair a little and put a finger on my chest for a second. "For your thirsty ass."

"Excuse me?"

He laughed. "Oh come on, it's so obvious that you had sex last night. Everyone says you've been flirting with some guy all night and you never come home?"

My eyes widened, and I quickly got defensive. "We didn't... actually have sex. Plus, we're just friends."

Was it just me or did his face seem to relax a little. No. Probably just me. "Anyways, what does this have to do with your dumb ideas?" I added.

He just grinned. "We're gonna play this like an actual game. The same rules still apply, but I've added onto them."
He pulled out an even more crumpled up piece of paper from his pocket, this one written in the same sharpie.

1. No physical harm
2. No messing with classwork/homework/exc
3. Away from teachers

I looked down and saw one more rule added in pen at the very bottom, and my heart nearly stopped.

4. Additional "Games" can be played. In the game, whoever comes first looses, and the winner gets a point.

He was smirking when I whipped my head up to look at him?

"Are you kidding me?!"

"I mean, if you don't agree to it we're not gonna do it."

Oh my god. This piece of shit knew what he was doing. My heart was already racing because duh, he was really fucking hot. But he knew that he was going to make sure I agreed to it. If I didn't, he wouldn't do it, but he knew that just making me say that I wanted to was humiliating enough.

Why wasn't it humiliating for him? How did he even know that I wanted to? Did he? Wait, do I? Fuck. I turned my head away from him.

"Well, I guess if it means another win for me..." I looked back at him and crumpled up the old points sheet, and threw it at him.

"I'll do it. But we're starting over."

He smiled, and I could have sworn that he was blushing a little. It even seemed like a nice smile, but it turned into an amused grin really quick. He stood up and shoved the two papers back into his pockets.

"That's good news." He ruffled my hair and then leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"Because I could make you cum ten times before you even got me close, gay boy."

I sighed. "I don't know Kirstie, my thoughts about how much I hate him and about how hot he is shouldn't have even been overlapping in the first place. And now he wants to make me cum? Oh my god. What if he wants to have sex."

"Calm down, Mitch." Kirstin was surprised, to say the least, when I told her why Scott had wanted my number. I also asked her why the hell she would actually give it to him, and she said she was drunk, which made sense. I hoped for at least a drunk voicemail from him, but nope. Nothing.

"You don't get it. He's my roomate. Wait, what if he just tells everyone? What if he's just doing this to make fun of me?"

"Mitch, first of all, you sound like you're in middle school again talking like that. And second, he asked you to do this with him. So I don't think he'd want everyone to know that unless he was bragging about having sex with you."

I took a couple breaths. "Thanks Kirstie... Ugh. This is just too much."

"Trust me, I can see why. But hey, enjoy it while you have it, huh?"
I looked over at his bed, where his boxers from the previous night were lying. He normally put his clothes away, so he must have had one hell of a hangover.

I imagined him patting the spot next to him and blushing a little, asking me to play the game with him. I looked away quickly and ran a hand through my hair.

Enjoy it while you have it, huh.

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