Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

*Author P.O.V*

"Guys have it way tougher than girls." Harry says as he eats his banana while watching his friends play Halo.

"Elaborate." Liam states, pointing at Harry before he blindly reaches for the bowl of chips between him and Niall.

"Oi who the fuck shot me?" Louis asks as he watches his character fall before he ends up in a new location.

"Me." Niall states as he smirks over at Louis, who is glaring at him."What's good?"

"I will find you and I will kill you." Louis says, flicking Niall off then looks back at the game as Zayn chuckles at the two.

"Well, we're constantly called dogs and pervs if we look at a girl way too long. We're mostly likely accused of cheating the most. If we have a friend that's a girl, people automatically think we're fucking or have fucked. Anything that's not manly makes us gay. Most men are born colored blind. We can't hide a boner in public unless we have a jacket or really baggy pants to cover it. We're not good in bed if our dicks are under 6 inches. They have way cuter clothes than us." Harry explains while angrily chewing on his banana.

"Then dress like a girl." Zayn states not really paying attention to Harry's little rant.

In fact, none of the boys are paying attention. They only heard the last sentence and they all nod their heads at Zayn's words. Harry huffs before actual thinking it over in his head. It couldn't be that bad. He's read stories where guys do that. He knows that he is going to be one of those main characters. He doesn't mind though. He wants to look pretty just like the girls. He pulls out his phone hearing Liam and Zayn yelling at each other. He does some shopping online ignoring his crazy friends that won't shut up. He finds a lot of cute clothes, which makes him turn to the shy monkey emoji. He thinks about how other people are going to think of him. He doesn't want to have shit thrown at him and have people bashing him twenty four seven.

He is somewhat strong as the guys he reads about. He bites his bottom lip as he hits buy with all the stuff he has. He hopes the guys won't stop being his friends after this. They are the only people he knows and he doesn't want to make new friends. He looks back at the TV after he locks his phone and finishes his banana. He plays with his fingers wondering if the clothes he brought is too much. All he order are just really pretty jeans, crop tops, shirts, a few skirts, and a few knee socks. If all this doesn't work out, he is going to send the shit back then get his money back. All his stuff is going to be sent tomorrow so he won't have to wait long. He is pull out his thoughts as Niall let's out a shout. He stands up leaning toward the TV just a tiny bit.

"In your face bitches!" Niall shouts as he kills Zayn and the final score comes up on the TV showing he won."I am the king of this game."

"You cheated. You had that fat ass gun the whole time." Liam explains as he throws a chip at Niall, who catches it and eats it while sticking out his tongue.

"Don't hate the player hate the game." Niall says as he leans down to ruffle Liam's hair making him smack his hand away."Ouch you big meanie."

"Oh hush up." Liam says, pushing Niall away from him making him fall on top of Zayn, who groans and pushes him off.

"I'm not a rag doll you damn idiots." Niall states as he stands up and dusts himself off."Have some respect."

"Are you guys done being buttheads?" Harry questions and Louis scoffs and looks back at him.

"Are you done complaining?" Louis asks and Harry rolls his eyes but nods nevertheless.

"I have a surprise for you guys tomorrow." Harry says as he sits up stretching his arms over his head.

The guys nod not really paying attention to him as they stand up. They clean up the little mess they made and make sure they have all their stuff. Once everything is back where it belongs, the guys leave Harry's apartment. Harry gets off the couch and goes to his bathroom while running his fingers through his hair. Once he is inside, he looks at his reflection through the mirror and makes face expressions. He thinks he would look pretty as a girl as he twirls his hair with his finger. He laughs at the thought of actually having boobs and a vagina. He shakes the crazy thoughts away and goes to the toilet to piss. After he is finish, he washes his hands then goes to his bedroom. He goes to his closet and puts all his clothes on one side and has the other side empty for the new clothes he is going to get.

"At least this not the main plot." Harry states with a smile as he closes his closet door then goes over to his bed.

He takes off his clothes only keeping his boxers on. He kicks his clothes by the clothes bin. He mentally faced palm as he goes over to his jeans and takes his phone out of it. He goes back over to his bed and lays down with his ankles cross over the other. He is wondering if he should get some makeup and headbands to go with his clothes. He goes online again just to see what they have. Some of it is really pretty but he wants to wait to see how he looks tomorrow. If he feels that he is forgetting something, then he will go buy the makeup and stuff. He turns off his phone then puts it on the charger. He turns onto his side and closes his eyes but opens them seconds later. He notices that he didn't cut off the lights but he is so comfortable.

"Fuck it." Harry says, shrugging it off and closes his eyes letting sleep take over.



Yes this story will contain little Harry dressing as a girl this isn't like other stories tho. If it is then I don't know what to tell ya. Anyways you mostly likely know what I'm going to say next so just go ahead and do it. Today is my bday and I'm heading to school but I don't care. I don't do shit on my birthday anyway.

Bye my Love More.:-D

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