The blue eyed beauty of my dreams

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Mikey's POV:

I couldn't focus for the rest of the day, the only thing on my mind was Luke, how perfect he is. I ignored everything, and everyone, especially Cal, was getting worried about me.

"Mikey?" Cal asked "Mikey are you okay? You're scaring me?"

I sent him a smile and a small nod with a "Just thinking" it was barely a coherent sentence.

He just continued looking at me with wide puppy dog eyes, clearly worried, but all I was worried about is the boy on my mind.

Before I knew it school was over and I decide to take the long way home, having a long, hard think. I walked in the door happier than ever.

"What's that smile for then?" My mom asked me, wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

"Just happy to see you is all" I smiled causing her to let out a little laugh.

I started walking up the stairs as my mom yelled "Dinner will be ready in a couple of hours" and I nodded, even though she couldn't see me.

Getting into my room I dramatically flopped onto my bed smiling even more. He was perfect, you just couldn't think otherwise. My heart felt as if it could leap out of my chest then and there, it was beating so fast, he made me feel all tingly inside, and I am not ashamed to say I squealed a bit.

I carried on thinking about him until my mom called me down for food, and I had to readjust myself before walking down the stairs, Luke made me feel...things.

I could practically feel my cheeks heat up as I walked down the stairs, and I had to stop to take a deep breath before I entered the dining room.

Dinner went well, as usual, my mom just thought I was coming down with a cold. Rushing back up to my room, I logged straight on to my computer, with an idea in mind.

*Time skip a couple hours*

I'd finished, a beautiful drawing of Luke, based on what I'd seen today, and it looked perfect, and at least I'd have an excuse to talk to him again. Adding the finishing touches and a signature, I printed it out on some special paper I bought a few weeks back and framed it, adding a little black bow onto the corner. Smiling in satisfaction, I lay it on my side table, where I knew I'd see it in the morning.

It was about 9pm now, so I jumped into the shower, singing along to all my favourite songs, almost slipping a few times too!

Getting out, I realised that I'd need to have a good impression on Luke, while still having my "bad boy" reputation around school, and definitely still have time for Cally, I could never push him away.

After spending a good hour on choosing my outfit, and was finally satisfied with what I'd chosen. I'd gone for my black and white shirt with "Idiot" written on in red, my best pair of black skinny jeans ripped at the knees, my black combat boots and a black snap back, perfect, just like him.

Back on to the subject of Luke, I started imagining scenarios of us together, of a possible relationship, but I vowed off of all relationships, my last experience wasn't good, it broke me, I had to fix myself, would Luke be like that? Could I go through that again?

I really don't know anymore, because the thing is, on the outside, I may seem okay, and happy, but on the inside, I'm an emotional wreck, broken.

Talking to Luke today, it made me feel good, made me feel okay, forget about my troubles, and I needed that. He was like a drug, and I was already addicted.

As 12AM rolled around, I jumped into bed, thinking about what tomorrow would hold. I fell into a dream filled sleep, about a certain blue eyed beauty.


I cuddled him closer, looking from his sparkling eyes to his lucious lips, and back again.

"I really want to kiss you right now" I whispered seductively, telling the whole truth.

"Mmm same" He mumbled, staring straight into my soul.

I pulled him flush against me, in a brave attempt to be seductive, making him gasp, turning me on quite a bit, and I started leaning in, edging closer and closer...


"MICHAEL WAKE UP FOR GOODNESS SAKES! YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE!!" My mom yelled, waking me up at the most inconvenient time.

"OKAY! OKAY! I'M UP, I'M UP!" I yelled back, jumping up quickly.

I slipped on the clothes I'd picked out last night, brushed my teeth and was downstairs and out the door in record time. Obviously not forgetting my drawing of Luke before I left.

I practically ran all the way to school, to excited to see Luke again, and when I got there, I automatically started scanning the school grounds, then the hallways for him, eventually someone caught my eye. Across the hallway, standing there, earphones in, quietly mouthing along to the words of whatever music he was listening to.

There he was. The blue eyed beauty of my dreams.

A/N This is the longest chapter so far, and it definitely took a while to write, but I enjoy it because I'm hopefully entertaining some of you with this story! I have some major ideas for the future of this story and maybe the end? It will involve some profanities, homosexuality, mature content and maybe smut? Maybe. So, if you didn't see the first warning, here is your final chance to leave if you don't like any of the things listed above! Plus, chapters will be coming every 2 or 3 days from now on, as I think this is moving too fast! Thanks for all the support! Peace!

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