He's something to me

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A/N I hope you all had a great christmas! I'm sorry for being so shitty recently, i've had things on my mind and I really didn't know if to continue on this book, I am, but I'll see how it goes! Happy Reading!

Michael's POV:

Luke and I started spending more and more time together after that day in the car, and if we weren't together, he was always on my mind.

Up to yet, he'd never met my family, but I'm going to invite him down later today.

At about 11AM me and Luke met up at the local park, and I was nervous to ask him, because I know he gets scared meeting new people, and I didn't want to overwhelm him.


"Y-Yeah?" His stutter had gotten progressively better since I'd been seeing him more, I think it's about trust more than anything.

"Would you um, come to dinner at mine later and meet my parents?" It was said so fast, I didn't think he'd understand me, he did.

"I guess, I'd h-have to do it s-sometime right?" He let out that little nervous chuckle, so I knew he was weary, but said yes anyway, which made my heart swell.

I lightly pressed my lips to his, "Thanks Lukey, this means a lot"

He smiled and looked down, shivering.

"You cold?"

"Oh, yeah" He didn't want to admit it, he was scared to admit things like this.

"Take my jacket, silly" I slipped it off, and he pulled it on, it was about 2 sizes too big but he looked so cute.

"W-Will you be alright?"

"Course, I have a big hoodie on anyways, don't worry" This is why I wanted to make him mine someday, he was so loving and caring, he's so special, you never find anyone like that nowadays.

"Come on, we can go get a cup of tea and then go to yours for a bit, before heading to mine later" I grabbed his hand gently and tugged him on his way.

Arriving at his, I went straight to his bedroom to pick him something to wear, as he could never pick!

Outfit successfully picked, Luke and I  washed and Luke changed, and enough time passed to leave, we were on the way to mine. I'd already texted my mom to tell her everything, explaining Luke was shy, and not to pester him too much.

Walking in, I yelled to my mother, alerting her I was home. So, being a mother, she ran up and gave me a hug, before giving Luke one also.

"Hello, Luke, I'm Michael's mom, Karen, I've heard so much about you, it's nice to finally meet you" She gushed.

"Hello ma'am nice to meet you too" it was surprisingly confident for Luke, I'm so proud.

"Call me Karen, silly! Now, make yourself at home, and if there's anything you need, don't be afraid to ask me! Now if you'll excuse me, dinners cooking!" and she was off again, I do love my mom.

My dad was next.

"Luke, nice to meet you lad." Short and sweet, my dad didn't converse much, with anyone really.

"Nice to m-meet you too sir" a little less confident, understandable, my dad can be quite intimidating, and wouldn't dream of correcting the 'sir' so instead just nodded and walked away.

Luke looked at me with wide eyes, and I smiled at him, giving him a quick, short kiss as reassurance. The thing is, my parents knew about and accepted my sexuality, yet I was always nervous about doing intimate things around them. So all night, me and Luke stole glances at each other, subtle touches and little kisses, in our own little world.

Dinner went well. Luke was asked a few questions, nothing to big, nothing to personal, and he handled it really well.

Afterwards, we went up to my room, and I asked him to spend the night. I'd already cleared it with my mom, and when he said he would, it made me so happy, happier than i'd been in a while.

We spent the night talking, watching tv, and just generally enjoying each others company.

It got to about 12AM before we finally called it a night and started to get ready for bed. I gave him spare pajamas, consisting off joggers and a tshirt, small for me, but just right for him, and the same for me, just the right size.

When I got into bed, he just stood there and looked around aimlessly, obviously thinking we'd be sleeping separately, but I thought he'd sleep with me, and I liked that idea much better.

"Get in idiot" I joked.

He blushed and crawled into the bed. He lay on his side, facing away from me, but I got behind him and placed my hand over his waist, and pulled him into me.

Finally content that I had my world between my arms, i fell into a peaceful sleep, finally happy that i'd done something good with my life.

We both fell asleep like that, and awoke the same way.

A/N So there it was! It's getting serious, they met the parents! Thanks for all the reads and see you soon! Peace!

Out of my limit (Muke) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now