He is going to be the death of me

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A/N I actually never imagined I'd even get this far guys!
Would you be so kind as to follow my Instagram? @official.muke.fangirl, Thank You, Happy Reading!

Luke's POV:

Michael Fucking Clifford.

The most beautiful boy I've ever laid eyes on, and he's talking, to me? Yeah it doesn't add up to me either. So, I stopped walking, and just stood there. He soon caught on, and turned around.

"You okay Luke?" He looked nervous as heck, his eyes blown wide.

"Y-Yeah, I just have a question. W-why are you doing this? W-why m-me?" I mentally face palmed for stuttering, I mean, it's getting worse.
Something seemed to click in his head, like he figured something out, and he reached his hand out, grabbing mine and entwining our fingers. My cheeks instantly heated up, and I could practically feel the redness covering my face. I looked down in embarrassment.

Michael tilted my chin up, looking me in the eyes, and layed a light, feathery kiss on my cheek. His lips felt heavenly, and I instantly craved more. We sent each other smiles before he started pulling me off, twisting and turning around corners and large groups of people.

We ended up outside in no time, how did we end up here? (A/N *wink wink*)

We ran over to a car, and faster than I could blink were speeding down the road. I felt a little bad for leaving Ashton behind today, he doesn't really have any other friends, but I were also curious to find out what Michael and I were going to do. So I voiced my curiosity.

"Mikey? Um I meant-I didn't mean to say that, s-sorry"

"Luke" I carried on.

"Lukey, calm down, please, it's okay, I like it, now what do you need?" I took a deep breath, and melted at the way the nickname rolled off of his tongue.

"Okay, Okay, M-Mikey, w-where are we going?"

He chuckled and am shot me a jaw dropping smirk, "Well if I told you that Lukey, it wouldn't be a surprise would it now?"

"Oh, I-I guess" My cheeks instantly heated up from the embarrassment of asking, I felt like a right numpty.

"Hey, it's oka-" That's all I heard, he was talking but all I could hear was that one thing I was dreading the most.

I told you Luke, you're unwanted, irrelevant, he won't like you if you keep making yourself look a fool, hell I doubt he likes you anyway!

That voice.

"Stop, you're lying" I whispered, hoping Michael wouldn't hear, but with my luck, of course he did.

"Hmm? What? What'd I lie about?"

"N-Nothing" He hummed, signalling the end of the conversation, but by the way his eyebrows were knitted together, I'm guessing he was still thinking about it, maybe coming close to the real conclusion. That scared me to no end.

After about 5 more minutes of driving, we came to a stop. As I got out, I looked around, I took in the view. We were on top of a mountain,  cliff type of thing, you could see everything from here, and, as it was morning, the sunrise was still happening, and the orange-red of the sky gave everything a nice tan glow, that looked amazing.

"M-Mikey, it's-"

"Perfect" He finished the sentence for me, and I couldn't have said it any better.

"Now, to answer your earlier question, of why I'm doing this, well, it's really a long story." He chuckled. "When I first saw you, Luke, I thought you looked...perfect. And, I'm gonna be blunt about this, I kinda like you a lot. I'd say love, but I met you yesterday, but I think we'll definitely get there, but there's definitely gonna' be barriers, because I haven't had the easiest past, but, I brought you to this place, somewhere perfect, to express myself, to someone perfect." He finished with a deep breath, obviously nervous at how I'd react.

I couldn't help it, he made me cry, because why would someone like him, have feelings for someone like me? It just doesn't add up!

I sniffled, and his head snapped up at an impossible speed, and he started shaking his head.

"Lukey, no no no no no, what's wrong? Have I done something wrong? I'm so sorry!"

I couldn't help but smile up at him despite my teary eyes. "Y-You've done nothing wrong, and yeah, I have f-feelings for you too, you're p-perfect but, it's j-just, that's so kind, but w-why me? I-I'm nothing special, I'm not-"

I couldn't even finish my sentence, because he leaned in and kissed me. And as I started kissing back, gripping tightly at his shirt, I felt good,tingly, I felt better, but only for a while. He soon pulled back, gasping for air.

"Don't you fucking dare say you're not worth anything or anything like that, because I, nor should anyone else, will not and should not believe a word of the fuckery that would be coming out of your mouth"

I just stared. Silent. Regardless of my past, I felt as if I was I was on cloud nine. Because,

Michael Fucking Clifford just kissed me.

A/N THE START OF MUKE! FINALLY! I'm so happy, Muke is literally my OTP. Thank you for 100 reads too guys! I feel so appreciated! Thank you so much for everything, I just want to entertain/intruige you guys enough to read my story! Please comment because what you say means a lot, I really do care what you guys think!
I'll see you guys again in a couple days!


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