This could be the start of something new

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A/N Mikey is so cute!! So a bit of Muke finally happened in the last chapter, it's going to be exciting where this goes from here, Happy Reading!

Michael's POV:

His lips felt so soft on mine.

I don't know where this sudden outburst of confidence came from, but I liked where it was taking me. He shouldn't be putting himself down like that, he's perfect, and I can't stand to see him upset.

He was blanked out, while I was blabbering on, so I gently shook him and he seemed to snap out of it.

"M-Michael" He whimpered. It was so hot.

"I-I can't, I-I'm sorry, b-but it's too m-much" He stammered over his words, and started to run off, nearly falling and out of reflex, I reached out and grabbed him. I pulled him close, despite the fact that a year ago, I never wanted to be this close to a person again, but Luke made me feel new things, things that I didn't feel before.

His eyes began to tear up, and as the tears fell, in a melancholy silence, I wiped them away, one by one.

"Luke, sweet Luke" I started "I would never, ever make you rush into anything, especially if you didn't want to or weren't ready-"

"O-Okay it's ju-"

"Ah Ah, I wasn't finished" I startled him a little "Now, I didn't particularly think I'd be in this position any time soon, let alone now, I swore off of everything, I just couldn't do it, but now, here, with you, I couldn't be more ready to be with you, you make me feel things and I'm, um, I dunno, I kinda like it I guess" I finished with a blush and an awkward scratch of my neck.

He looked up for the first time since the beginning of my little rant, a pink tint covered his chilsled cheekbones, and his eyes sparkled with fear, but also lust. He bit his lip and I had to move and look away before I started getting a problem down below.

He looked down, obviously thinking I must hate or dislike him now, and that was the reason I'd moved away, how wrong he was...

I took a step towards him, weary of my actions, not wanting to scare him again, and tilted his head up, by hooking my forefinger under his chin. Looking into my eyes, he still looked slightly scared, but I could also tell, that he trusted me.

*Slight Smut? Idk*
I leaned in, slowly, so he'd know what I was doing, and stop it if he wanted to. But he didn't. And when our lips touched, for the second time, sparks flew. I pulled him into me, flush against my own body. He gasped into my mouth, and I deepened the kiss.

Our mouths fit together like puzzle pieces, made for each other, and I never wanted to be anywhere but here. It must have gotten to much for him, and he, most likely, involuntarily bucked his hips forwards, creating friction that brought me so much pleasure, we both simultaneously let out a breathy moan into one another's mouths, then I had to pull away, in fear I'd suffocate if I didn't breathe.

Once again, his cheeks were tinted pink, yet for an entirely different reason, his lips were swollen, and looked beautiful in the orange of the sun. There was still pleasure running through my veins, and I couldn't help but readjust myself in my jeans, pushing down with extra force, so I could make myself feel good, and get back that feeling of euphoria.

All I wanted was him, nothing else mattered right now, but whether I could get the courage to go all the way, was an entirely different question. But all I knew right now, is that I needed Luke, in the worst way possible.

A/N Just a warning, there will be a double update either today or tomorrow as recently I've been really innactive and a really shitty writer so I am sorry for that!  So there was like some smut, I guess? That's probably he best you'll get because they're both broken inside so...
There may be some more smut next chapter because of the ideas I have? Thanks for reading! Peace!

Out of my limit (Muke) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now