It's time.

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This chapter is dedicated to my irl good friend Leaveyourstorybehind because she's always there, always reminding me to update and is just a generally good friend! So thank you😝💙

A/N Enjoy that edit I made! It was for my Instagram and would mean the world if you'd go and follow. Its 'official.muke.fangirl' Happy Reading!

Luke's POV:

I woke up with Michael pressed against my back, and despite everything, I just couldn't help but smile at the scene I was a part of.

Despite being cuddled to a boy I was undoubtedly falling for, I really needed to pee, so I started squirming in his arms, trying to get out, but his grip was just to tight, I'd have to wake him up.

I turned around, looking directly at him now, and started shaking his shoulder gently.

"Mikey, Mikey wake up" I was slightly scared incase he got mad.

After about 2 minutes he finally groaned, waking up slowly.

"Morning Lukey" He said in the most adorable morning voice ever.

"Hey, you need to let me go, please"

"Why? Have I done something wrong, are you okay?" He was awake now.

"No, No, I, I just need a pee" I blushed, I wasn't usually this open.

"Oh" He chuckled, opening his arms, "go ahead"

When I came back he was already smiling in my direction, but I just ignored it, and crawled back into bed, into his arms again, facing him this time.

"Luke" He sounded serious, my heart beat instantly sped up.

"Y-Yeah?" My stutter was back, great.

"Calm down, I just, um, can I, I mean uh" He took a few breaths.

"Can I ask you something? I mean, you can say no to it if you want, it's your choice but I need to ask you something okay?"

"Okay..." I was a bit nervous, but I was utterly shocked by what came out his mouth next.

"Luke Hemmings, Will you go out with me?"

It was so fast I thought I misheard, but I didn't, he just asked me out.

"Um, well" I stuttered. Could I? I wanted to, I really did, but could I commit again?

"It's fine, I just wanted to ask anyways" No, he had the wrong idea!

"No! I mean, No, I want to, I really do Mikey, but, I said I wouldn't commit again, and I don't want to get hurt again"

"I got hurt to, I know how much it hurts, I promise, I'd die before I hurt you, I really care about you Luke"



"Yes, I-I'll go out with you Michael"

He smiled so big I thought he'd broken his jaw, then he launched forward and placed his lips onto mine, in a soft, loving kiss, which I melted into.

"Do you wanna talk about it? About you getting hurt I mean, I've heard it helps, and I wanna help you forget Lukey"

"Er, I mean, I suppose you should know, but-"


"Lukey, you can tell me you know? You don't have to keep it inside, I'm here for you" Mikey said, kissing me softly.

With tears in my eyes, I looked at him, and took a deep breath. "It all started when I was 15..."

"I had a friend, a best friend in fact, and me and him got very close." I took a deep breath.

"One day, we shared a kiss, and we confessed that we liked each other, romantically, so we got together, it was great to start with. We had great times, so many laughs, all while keeping us a secret." Another deep breath, tears were streaming down my face as Michael just held me.

"Suddenly it all changed. He got aggressive, stopped talking to me for days and days on end, he'd humiliate me in public, everything. But one day, I'd talked to another male friend at the time, and when I got home he hit me. Repeatedly. After that, he did it every day, I've still got most of the scars" I showed him my back, my stomach, some places on my head and neck, Michael was crying aswell now.

"I was abused from that day forward, mentally, physically and emotionally. He told me he never loved me, no one ever would, he told me I was fat, I was ugly, I was stupid, which ended up making me cut, starve myself, going on borderline anorexic. Then one day, he was particularly pissed with me, I'd tried to break up with him, he got so angry Mikey, so angry, so he jumped on me, told me 'You're gonna pay now bitch, gonna fucking hurt and never fucking forget me' and I didn't, I still hear his voice now.
He raped me. Forced himself into me, dry, and it hurt so bad, so bad, and he laughed, laughed all the way through it. Then just upped and left, I found out that he hung himself. He left a note, I have a copy, this is what it said:

Hello, Everything Luke Hemmings said I did, I did do. I raped him, I hit him, I abused him, and I fucking loved it, little slut.

He was such a little bitch, but could give a fucking blow job if he was forced to oh fucking hell he was good.

I hated him from the start, just like everyone else did. I used him for pleasure. I was cheating on him the whole time, with a smoking hot chick, great tits, thought I was gay? No way. Only Luke Hemmings is stupid enough to be a faggot (I hate that word, I'm sorry!) Silly cunt.

Anyway, instead of getting thrown in jail to rot, I thought I'd just kill myself and show Luke how it's done, as he obviously hasn't got the hint by now. Don't forget this is your fault Luke, you made this happen, I know you're reading this.

I'll always be your first Lukey, don't forget that, don't forget me either, though I don't think you can. You're a stupid, fat, ugly, fag, don't forget that either. So, just kill yourself and make it easier for you, because no one's ever gonna love you now, no one ever did anyways. So just leave, make the world better. Bye cunt, love you, not x

- Bobby.

"Luke, why do you keep this? It's all lies, I love you, I'll always love and care about, and kiss and hug you, Lukey please don't listen to this, it's lies.

"I know, I learnt. It's not my fault, I did nothing wrong. Thats how I started eating again, started laughing and that's how I ended up here, with you. I-I love you Michael. But p-please don't hurt me like he did, p-please don't be like him, p-please" I sobbed into his shirt, holding on for dear life.

"It's okay Lukey, I won't, I love you so much and I'll protect you until my last breath, I love you"

He pulled me in, holding me close.

"I love you too" I whispered.

A/N So there's what happened to Luke! I know it's upsetting, I don't know how my brain comes up with this, I'm truly broken I guess.

Sorry for being shitty again! I'll try to update more frequently but this book is nearly over! I also have school starting again tomorrow so thats hella stressful! I'll see you next time gang!


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