I'm happy for them

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A/N I used the same media as the last chapter but you'll understand why later :)

Karen's POV: (Ooh ;o)

When Michael brought that Luke boy home, I was so happy. It's been so long since I've seen Michael with a boy, let alone happy.

You see, I've known Michael was gay, before he did, so whenever he asked to go on a sleepover, or bring a friend over, I let him, because I knew that way he'd figure it out.

He's had a few boyfriends before, but the last one, Hunter, was his name, he hit Michael, and then cheated on him, and my poor boy has been to scared to commit again, scared that he'd get hurt again.

I think Luke's had some problems too, he doesn't talk very openly, he's shy, he's most likely had problems, and now, all I want is for these two boys to be happy again, and I know that will only he within one another.

They went to bed about 2 hours ago, I heard some talking then all went silent, so I went to check on them, what can I say, motherly instincts.

I was overjoyed at what I found, they were cuddled up, spooning, and they looked oddly like a married couple, I just couldn't resist, so I snapped a quick picture, one for the photo albums in the future. (A/N The media picture, understand now? >_<)

After cooing over them, and pulling the covers over them, I left them alone.

I was so happy for my baby, Luke was such a good boy, and Michael and Luke both deserved happiness, I am so proud to say I am the mother of one of these boys, and I feel overjoyed when I get to tell people my son has a boyfriend, and I just love the looks of shock I get when I say 'boyfriend'.

I couldn't be more happy with the way my son turned out, and I couldn't wait to see him get with a boy he deserves and loves.

My lovely little boy.

A/N This is a short filler chapter that I thought you guys would like.
See you soon for another chapter guys, peace!

Out of my limit (Muke) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now