Dont leave me Radhika

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This is one shot of the extention of Dosti yaariran manmaraziyan.

Samrat arranges the party to celebrate the marriage of Arjun and Radhika. Radhika made a clear move of making nandhini blurt out her plan and Arjun who heard was shocked. He never expected the god of his life is actually an omen. He felt betrayed and wanted his radhika to be with him who was planning to leave Arjun once and for all. Will that happen ?? Will she stay or leave him ??


Radhika ; arjun pls arjun 5 minutes pls ......

Arjun ; nothing doing radhika u are waking up. Its 5 in the morning yaar. Now wake up.
Radhika ; its mid night for me arjun last night ur kid has not made me sleep. Ur junior is just now sleeping now dare not wake me up. After many attempts arjun successfully made her wake up. She scratched her head sitting in the bed. He smiled and made her hair a straight. Radhika in the verge of falling back to the bed he held her hand and pulled her. She made a cry face ; arjun pls yaar 5 minutes pls....... he nodded no and stuffed her tooth brush and tooth paste and asked her to go and brush. She dragged herself in a half sleep way and brushed her teeth. After refreshing she saw arjun all ready. She was in the verge of crying.
Radhika ; arjun no......
Arjun ; yes u r coming its good for our baby dear.
Radhika (held her belly and spoke) ; baby come out soon and kick ur father he is killing me in the name of taking care of u and me.
Arjun ; baby dont listen to her. Im taking care of u and she is always lazy i want u not to support to her. She made a face and went to take a shirt and was waiting to put the shirt on.
Arjun who was waiting for radhika went to the other room and saw her struggling to put on her shirt.
Arjun ; again the same shirt ?? why cant u wear ur shirt always trying my shirt....
Radhika ; my fav shirt. Pls help me to put this na im trying and its not coming. He smiled and made her sit and Arjun was trying hard to put that button and finally he made it and found her all sleeping in the sitting position. He smiled and caressed her and remembered the day of the party night.

Flash back......

After the party arjun left the place and drove back to his house and crashed down on the floor after knowing that nandhini used him and he was the one who was blamed because of her fake tears. She rushed to arjun and just held his shoulders. He who was expecting radhika found nandhini standing near him with tears. He was hell anger to see her face.
Arjun ; nandhu what wrong dod i do to u ?? Why dod u cheat me ?? I went against my heart against all the rules to hurt an innocent girl just to make u happy but did u ever consider me as ur brother ??
Nandhini ; arjun i always love u as my brother . Radhika manipulated me dear not me she faked me to speak those words. Arju lost his cool and got up and pointed her a finger and shouted ; dare not speak a word against radhika there is nothing between us and her to do here u had that in ur heart thts why u planned to kill sam and put the blame on me and to make me to step inside of jail so that u can enjoy the life.
Nandhini ; no arjun.....
Arjun ; yes this is what u wanted. I was such an idiot to trust u blind. She was right she begged me to believe on that day when she said she was kidnapped and was kept captive in kaka's house.
Nandhini ; ooh so u r behind ur wife. I bet u she will never accept u arjun after knowing this she will never accept u. Arjun who was in tears smiled sarcastically ; u donno her she found a true me to me so get out of my house nandhini before i loose my respect to u and throw u out for what u have done to me. Nandhini expected that and said ; i know arjun u will say this. Take care and yes i was bad but not for u . Saying so she got inside her room and arjun crashed down and was continuously crying his heart. Radhika made all the arrangements to go back to her house came back to radhika. Radhika gave a victorious smile.
Nandhini ; u may have succeeded me by making me to confront in front of others. But u will fail when u give arjun's hands to sam.
Radhika ; sir loves sam and sam loves arjun sir.
Nandhini ; u r stupid if u think arjun loves sam and u doesn't love him. U have fallen for him radhika in the course of fighting and all the way i am the one who has won as ultimately arjun will never go back to sam.
Radhika ; no i never loved him. Nandhini smiled and said ; hear what ur heart is saying close ur eyes and find arjun face. He is a bit stubborn but not bad take care of him radhika.

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