The beast is tamed...

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Manha.... this one is for u.... happy birthday to my lovely_yara .... i love u so much... and my only wish is that u should always be happy which u deserve and always be with me and always our craziness should not fade away.... love u mannu well wifie its sister love i meant... ha ha ha love u tons... muhhhaaaaaa happy birthday mannu....


The train halted... a young woman stepped in and wiped her sweat from her forehead... her heart was drumming hard... she pressed her heart to ease it to make it normal... her hands are still shaking just then she remembered what happened an hour back...

Run where ever u want to but u can never escape from me pricesa hermosa (beautiful prince)... U can never run away from me... it made her gasp... she was struggling to release herself from his hold but it was impossible... his crystal blue eyes were making her feet jelly... he was little too much closer to her... he held her hand back with his one hand and slowly he pulled her hair and tugged them behind her earshell and slowly cupped her cheeks with his other hand and made her look at him...

Rubbing his nose to hers he said carino te amo...(darling i love u) and kissed her forehead then her cheeks.... if that was not the minute then she will loose the battle... so she pushed him and ran away and he gave his known beautiful smirk...

She came back to reality with a jerk when the announcement saying the destination has arrived... she stepped out and took one deep breathe and walked out of the station... catching the taxi she arrived at her dorm... but the place seems to be little different... when she walked further she found a man standing with his hands in the pocket... she gasped... he reached her before she could reach... with his well known smirk on his face he was looking at her with passion and love... she who fell for him was scared of the beast in him... it was really hard for her to stand in front of his anger... still she loved him but made sure he is not aware of it which made him go all mad over her...

Her feet turned week... before she could run back she was blocked by his men who were exactly looking like him in the outfit... she turned to leave but he pulled her by her elbow and carried her like a sack... she was hitting at his hard stoned back but it went all waste.... he placed her in the seat and he sat next to her...

What are u doing now ?? Where are u taking me to ?? She asked...he smiled and turned his head....

I'm speaking to u Alan.... she said...

Alan.... hmmm so u still remember my name.... that's a news headlines that Raspberry remembers Alan's name...

Its Resh just resh.... now leave me... i have my engagement next week.... this made him mad.... a mere thought of she is gonna be some one else was making him go all crazy... he pulled her to his lap and that made her gasp.... his strong hands were making band over her waist.... look raspberry eres mio solo mio.... (you're mine only mine)

He made her head to lay on his broad shoulder... she who was reluctant had no other go.... she did the same and slowly closed her eyes.... he held her head and gently tapped it to make her sleep....

2 years before....


I had everything in my life... i was in sky high in anything and everything.... but still i was not satisfied... i felt hollow... empty... void like i have nothing in my life.... my thought was broken by a bell noise... i turned to see and found my girl laughing and was about to slip from her chair which was perfectly caught by her friend... all were laughing their heart out and the way she is speaking animatedly made my heart skip a beat....

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