This is how my parent's got married part 1

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The mobile kept on calling i ignored it... not once twice thrice it was tenth time he called me.. what kind of fiance is he ?? Nonsense cant he learn something from his dad or my dad !! This time no excuse... it's been third time he asked for a date and forgot it...

Idiot stupid nonsense cursing him i was busy munching my chips... i was upset so my companion for my mood was food...and when it is home made potato chips who won't say yes...

My mom pulled the bowl... hmm mmm i screamed inbetween my munches...

Look kutty he did wrong but that doesn't mean u should not attend the call...

He called me for a movie but yet again he ditched me... even before marriage he is doing all this what after marriage he totally forgets me...

Akka for god sake take the call he is calling me and i can't play my clash of clans... he screamed at me.... what kind of a brother is he ?? Yet again he called... now I'm an active volcano...

What.... i screamed... there was no response... i saw the mobile the call was still on... huhh is my ears went out of service... i kept the mobile on my ears again... but to hear any voice i heard his kiss... but how come a kiss be this real ?? I was blinking but next minute i was in air with sorry sound... he pulled me from behind and kissed me... how does he me and that too in my house... what if others see... before i could speak more... he closed my mouth with his strong hands and looked deep into my eyes... no no no don't get seduced in his eyes and yet again become a fool this time it is not that simple...

I'm sorry vidhu... finished... i forgave him but let him do some cheesy work for some time... thinking so i was busy staring at him... he spoke further...

Vidhu yesterday i started to the movie but my tl wanted to finish my work so i was not able to come... i kept my hand over my hip... he gulped and said " ok i went home and slept off... i saw him with piercing eyes... i kept the alarm but when i woke up it was around 7 in the evening... that's it... i pulled his hand from my mouth and walked dad came inbetween and saw me and saw him... he pulled him away before i would pounce over him...

I know what my dad says... but still i wanted to know today's version of his drama...

Son look u are going to marry one unique piece of a girl whom u won't find any where on earth... she is my daughter a girl who does nothing but all wrong... i gasped... my dad was pulling my leg... can't he support me... thagappa (dad in normal language) ur dead... but first let him finish...

Look son woman will always claim that we made a mistake... always remember if any mistakes are done whether it is them or us first to fall on feet is us...

Y uncle ?? Fate of male species... he nodded... i gasped... i pulled my mom but she knew what my dad spoke and banged the water jug on the table... he smiled and continued... my mom came and i asked her... ma how is dad  supporting him not me ?? I pulled her and we heard what those two head of the countries are speaking to sign the treaty...

I seriously doubt am i his daughter or not... dad was taking my so called fiance's side and not mine...

I sat on my bed and smashed my door like a thud... he came... my fiance... vidhu sorry honey... oh so he is doing what my dad said... he slowly pulled my face and saw me... he held his ears and with a pout face he spoke sorry vidhu i wont do it here after... i giggled... is he really a short tempered or is he doing it for me... wont u forgive ur arjun ?? I bust out in laugh... u r so cute krishna... arjun was his family name like i have many called by my own family but krishna is his official name i donno how come 2 contradicting names to a single person...

I heard some sound outside... he was about to go and see what is happening ?? Chill chill theyare fighting...

So we have to convince them right... i gave him one plain stare 24 years i still donno to do that he who came few months back into my family is speaking like this...

They will do it all by themselves dont stress...

What ??

Those 2 there na are my fav love pair... his eyes widened... yes my fav pair was my mom and dad... their marriage story was really unique but lovely...

How come ?? He asked... i gave one smirk...


A beautiful young woman came from her work walking back to her house... she was born in a family of 5... a cute princess she was... a silent back bencher... a silent rowdy yet no one can believe that she is capable of timing counters... her father's fav daughter... a lovely sister... a combo of a good girl...

Few houses far a guy kept his bag and shouted... mami... mami.... (aunty)... he saw her but he couldn't see her face... he all was able to see was a woman standing... he was a super freaky awesome guy... a guy who every family loves to have... a guy who can make friends in seconds... he has a physic which would make any girl faint... an exercise body... handsome looking... happy go lucky guy... a charm caster... he entered his friend's house....

Who is that mami new to this street... they are here for long time... a very good family... but he never knew that family is gonna be his family soon....


Tadaa bunny here... so how was it... the elder couple has an awesome love story which will be revealed soon... do share me your views and also click the vote if u guys liked it... love u al stay blessed and always smile... muhhhhhaaa


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