Soul sister part 2

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As always nesam were busy fighting and it was radhika who was a refree she took a whistle and blew it out big. There was a pin drop silence and radhika jumped and shouted can't u guys stop fighting my fav is going and turned to watch tv again.

Sam with a higher voice ; pancake ?? Radhika turned to neil and shouted lower ur voice neil see my cupcake is angry u dont worry cupcake it is this idiot's mistake. Neil was now looking confused what is happening here ?? Sam and radhika giggled at his confused face and the girls wrapped their hands over neil and all strated to watch the tv again....

Few days later radhika found that some one is stalking her all the time. He was following her in his bike with helmet which made that his face was not visible. She went to the mall where where nesam was waiting for her. Radhik rushed and dashed over sam. Sam saw her face but she was busy turning back. Sam turned her face and asked ; what happened pancake ?? She was busy looking here and there to see if he is still following her. Sam shook her hard and asked ; what happened kutty ?? Radhika stammered ; voo that some one is following me cupcake that it is like he is following mee a double coat ME . Neil was furious now radhika is not only sam's friend she was also his best friend because of her his love was made true so he was looking here and there but as always he was late as sam already found a stupid who was looking at radhika.

Sam turned Neil and radhika and asked them to buy the ticket for 7 D show which was radhika's favourite. Radhika at once forgot the thing and jumped and sequels and holds Neil's hand and starts from there. Neil saw sam and she nods he understands and goes with radhika. She smiles at them and turns at her face with a burning anger pulls her sleeve up and walks like a lion to attack its prey. The stupid was busy watching radhika going did not notice that his death is nearing him. Sam patted his shoulder but he shoves it again she pats his shoulder he turns at a disgusting face. Sam who was waiting for a chance slaps him hard. He holds his cheeks and looks at her. She was buring in anger.

Suddenly their face changes. He makes a pout face and she makes a apologetical face. Him ; di...... this is not done......he holds his cheeks and says god what a slap i cannot sense my cheeks. Sam held his hand and with a low tone ; i am soo sorry arjun i thought some one.

Arjun ; soo it doesnt mean that u have to slap that hard di. Ouch what a slap mummy. Sam was not able to control her laugh. He was like cute puppy with a pout face. Sam pulled his cheeks ; awww arjun u look cute when u do this pout face but wait let me speak to radhika i said yes only because uncle and aunty said about u but u are stalking at her.

Arjun kept his hand over his head and said; ayyoooo di i wanted to speak to her but she is looking at me like a cockroach.

Sam ; stop calling me di that is disgusting and also she will only say yes if i say so for heaven sake go from here .

Neil came and saw the scene where arjun was down to earth and sam was standing. Neil thought ; what is he doing in my place ?? He came and arjun stood and did pranam to sam and went neil came and asked she said he is the one for radhika. Neil jerked and said he ?? Sam smiled and said ; dont worry did all the test and he passed. He is afraid only to me but not to others. He was the one who saved radhika once when she was being teased by her college met. From that time he is following her.

Neil ; but she did not know ?? Sam gave a vague stare and said she was busy talking and did u forget the way she shooed a guy when he was about to propose her with stones ?? And moreover she never saw him at all and he was all the time behind her not in front of her so technically it is his fault not my sweet pancake's fault so now shut up and come we have to watch the movie neil nodded and went with sam.

Neiley saaley saaley neiley neiley saaley saaley neiley meri kana kahan saaley aavoo jaldi neil. tatada mujey samjaavo meri boog budhu........ jaldi se leeki aaja....... budhu.... It was in the tune of Rooth na jana tune.

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