Why should boys have all the fun ??

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Is love at first site is only for boys ?? Why not for girls well it does not happen often but when it happens then that will be so cute and freaky. She was busy with her work just then she heard a voice calling her for the nth time. Radhika............ he was dragging the name to the maximum extend and came near her till she looked up to him. He was hell angry she knew why she saw him with a smile a teasy smile.

Radhika ; what happened teju ??

Teji ; teju....... don't call me teju im teji.

Radhika ; not much difference sweetheart and she continued her work. He started to jump and shout; u coming or not im starving. She giggled at his antics and stood up and pulled his cheeks and said come lets go and they headed to the cafeteria of their office. They were bff and all the office knew them for their friendly quality and also for their jokes. Both are the best pair to mimic any person on earth and the whole office will enjoy it and they are a kind of rock stars. As always they were mimicking some one and the whole cafeteria was applauding for their jokes and just then they heard a shoe step which was increasing its sound the shoe sound made.

Radhika was standing on the table and making all the jokes. All were enjoying her and she finally she jumped from the table and turned and saw a 6 feet tall handsome hulk and never smiling face yet dashingly handsome person she ever saw standing next to her. Her heart started to make her go mad. She was looking at him only him with her eyes wide open. She was staring at him without even blinking.

He ; excuse me can u move ??

Radhika; haaa ??

He can u move ma'am pls ??

Radhika ; haaa what ?? and was staring at him. He made her move by holding her shoulders and she as if a key gone doll was standing. Teji found she was standing like a poster shook her. She broke her trance and said to teji ; i love him yaar. Teji was about to faint and said ; what about ranbir and ranveer and others ??

Radhika ; sorry they are rejected and giggled and she was dancing and going by twisting her stole in the air and making that a guitar and playing it. Teji smiled and he pushed her and they started their work.

Days passed he was also in the same building but different office. She will see him during the lunch hours and but she never miss a chance to admire him. One day she wore the same colour dress he wore radhika saw him and saw her dress and he smiled at her and said ; hiee i guess we both have same taste radhika and went in to his office. She rushed to the wash room and started to dance and was kissing herself and hugging her. The house keeping lady was shocked to see radhika talking to her in the image. Radhika saw the worker and winked her eyes the worker rushed outside. When she came out she found a voice calling a name...arjun arjun. ....... she turned to see arjun standing few feet away her and she immediately said ; arjun y did this name never strike me cha stupid radhika she said and he saw her and smiled and crossed her. Radhika again lost her sense and waved her hand to the vacuum and she was a stupid doing that.

One day arjun entered naturals for his hair cut and found it was in a terrible state. Teji and radhika and other workers were running here and there.

Radhika; bhaiyya catch him this time he is doing close cut.

Teji ; no i dont want close cut i want some stylish cut.

Worker ; u r doing close cut. U dont run like this man always making us to run. One person from the behind caught teji and all made him sit and tied his hand and she took a tape and closed his mouth with that and the person. She took a sign of relief and crashed on the sofa and gulped a full bottle of water and murmured ; every month this stupid is doing the same thing will not cut the hair will cut the hair. Teji removed his mouth tape....Then she was called by a lady and she went in for her hair cut. The person who sat near radhika was called. Teji was in full face pack for facial. Arjun came and saw teji munching a cucumber and that sound was scratching the ears. A guy slapped his head. It was one of the friends of teji and radhika.

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