My Shocking Surprise...

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This was something which i wrote really really long back... just making it here as a record here... 

I am really sorry for this naive story still making it here... 

Will make some changes and update them soon... 


There was a huge scene in the airport. A big family was biding bye for the smallest member of the family. She was going for her higher studies to Boston . A guy just watched the scene and smiled at them .

Mother ; Choti stay strong stay healthy and dont eat anything unnecessary and take head bath twice a week . Apply oil to your hair. Study well ok. Radhika nodded her head.
She took the blessings from her dadaji who too came for her send off.
Mala and Radhika hugged and Radhika was sobbing as she is leaving her family for her studies for 2 years.
Neil ; Chashni here your fav and gave her fav chocolate and she cried and hugged him. Ankush also hugged her . The three were friends from child hood. Neil and Ankush were classmates and Radhika was their lil angle and they make a team to do all naughty things.
Radhika wiped her tears and broke the hug ; At least say your heart to Sam before she goes back to her home town.
Neil (with an angry glare) ; Chashni is this the time to speak these things what if anyone other than us hears it.
Radhika (smiling mischievously) ; Followed her like a dog all these years, the whole collage knew your love story and smiled.

Dilip gave a protective hug and all with tears waved their hand towards her and she too reciprocated them with a bye and tears in her eyes and went inside. She was standing in the queue and a tall 6 feet guy was just busy with his phone. Radhika was continuously sobbing and her tears were just coming out. Just then he shouted a bit loud.

Guy ; Oh god why the hell are you painting red for the horse it should be brown black or white. Other side some one spoke something. He banged his head again and again and said " If that got hurt then it should be in some parts not the whole body. Radhika who heard the conversation giggled, he too smiled and said ok now paint something but not red....... no not green . She started to laugh a bit big and saw him. He was closing his eyes and sometimes pleading and sometimes shouting and making her to smile for no reason.

Radhika gave the passport and Visa to the officer and after the verification she took the documents and saw him pleading and begging and gave his passport to the officer and was continuously pleading saying " Ok i'm sorry, sorry ...... sry sry sry .... after few seconds nandhu please i did not say anything to her . Oh my god she said she is painting red for horse. Ok sorry give the phone to her........ raksha i'm sorry ok now smile my princess . Mammu will come soon . Ok just 1 month.
Officer ; Arjun ????
Arjun ; Yes ....
Officer ; Here is your passport . Thank you and saw radhika was walking but she made sure that she heard his name.
Radhika to herself ; Arjun nice name .... what am i thinking shameless radhika stop this nonsense and she headed towards the flight.

Radhika finds her seat and she keeps her hand luggage in the space provided over the head and she hears a voice and turns and sees the guy whom she saw minutes back.
Guy ; can you pls move miss ??
Radhika ; Arjun ???
Arjun ; Do you know me ??
Radhika ; No no i mean who are you Arjun ?? and bit her tongue and banged her head.
Arjun ; Take a breath , now can you please leave my space pls i want to sit, my legs are paining . She moved and gave his , his seat. He sat and saw her struggling to keep her bag as she was small and not enough to reach that height. He saw her and smiled and when he came near her the bag fell on Arjun. She laughed and Arjun was rubbing his head and saw her laughing her heart out. He just saw her and she gave her hand to make him stand. The flight was about start , Radhika and Arjun saw each other and he asked her to sit and she sat as per his words and he kept the bag on the space and he too sat and the airhostess asked them to fasten the seat belt.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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