Angry lover of mine part 2

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Raksha was sleeping in her room. Just a shadow entered her room. The curtains of the window were dancing with the flow of wind. Raksha who was brought back to a hill station as per her father's instruction but she never left the house. She turned so quite always stays in her room and writes something. Her room were filled with empty books and pens. She would write, write and write......... And lock the door of the cupboard in which she kept her books. She was allowed to go out but she restricted herself to go anywhere and would just look at that face she drew.

The shadow saw the face of Raksha. She was glittering in moon light. Her face which used to have all fun was now missing. Her face turned pale week sad but still she was beautiful. He sat on the bed and gently caressed her head and corrected her hair. She felt his presence after months and smiled in her sleep. He smiled and he found a diary which she was hugging in sleep. He tried to take that. But she was in no mood of leaving that. He pulled the diary and instead she was about to wake up. He pounced and made her sleep again as he does not want to hurt her again. She slowly wrapped her hand around him and kept her head over his heart and slept. He too hugged her he was sitting slanting and opened the diary.

His eyes were wet when he saw what she wrote.


Prem where r u khadoos today I saw a person who was like u and ran from my room to see u but it was not u . Why did u leave me Prem. U said u will come to me but today it is 5 months 21 days 5 hours 35 mins and 38 seconds over from u left me. Pls i cannot live in this den take me away and give me my freedom. He turned the pages and saw she was totally writing everything to him. Like on a daily basis she was writing to him and she was conveying him how much she missed him.

Prem to sleeping Raksha ; i never knew u would miss me so much Raksha........ Once after i left u i found that i too loved u and came to know that it was your mom who had set up the goons for money. I was shot and was almost dead but thanks to the forest people who saved me so that i can always be with u Raksha. He left her before she woke up and he made up his mind to take care of her even if not being together.

Raksha's father pleaded her to go out of the room and go out so that she can have some change in her mood. Raksha drove to some place and sat there in the place with a coffee on her table. She was continuously staring at something and was deep in Prem's thoughts, she started from there. Suddenly someone snatched her bag and hurts her in the course of snatching the bag. She held her hand in pain and someone from behind ran to the direction of the way the thief went.

After few minutes he came back and she was staring at him.
He ; Raksha are u hurt ?? Show me ur hand. God deep cut. And held his fist in anger and looked at the way where the person ran away. Raksha was continuously sobbing and she was shocked to see the person who was claimed as lost maximum no more.

Raksha with tears touched his face and cheeks and his hands and her sight went to his legs.
Prem ; what are u looking at?? Im human only see i have my legs. She giggled and hugged him. He too hugged her back and she was continuously calling his name.
Prem ; Raksha......... Raksha........... Relax now im here .... How could u think that i will leave u ?? I promised u that i will come back to u so i came back. I always keep my promise. She was searching for words. Finally her Prem was back. She hugged him and he too hugged her back.

Raksha ; ouch Prem. He jerked and then realised she was hurt. He took her to a nearby hospital and did the treatment to her. All the time Raksha did not take her eyes from him and holding his palm tight. After they came out,
Prem ; Raksha here have it....
Raksha ; what is it ??
Prem ; movie tickets. Tomo we r going ok.
Raksha ; but how can i get out from there ??
Prem ; tomo u will come i know how to do it .......she smiles and starts from there. She covers her wound with her dupatta and goes to her room and jumps in happiness. Just then Prem texts here.
Prem ; repair radio im ur khadoos.
Raksha ; who is repair radio ?? U r the one who was talking nonstop and they continue their talks and she was blushing looking at the screen.

Days passed.... The love birds were lost in their world and somehow Raksha's mother came to know about that. She wanted the property but there was a legal issue that the heir cannot give the property to other's in the name of power and once married then she will have the full access to the money and the guardian will not allowed to spend even a penny.
She does not want to loose a penny so she decided to get the property transferred in her name for which after many discussions they came to know that the owner of the property if dead or physically or mentally not state then then guardian has the full access over the property. Her first plan of kidnapping went the other way round as Raksha's dad hired Prem to take care of her case .

It was the first case he was taking in his hands after he resigned from army because of his friend who pleaded him to come and see him once before he bids bye to earth. But Prem did not come. Prem felt miserable when his friend was eagerly waiting for Prem's glance once. So he took a voluntary retirement from the army even though he had good track record. Prem worked in a normal company but then he got an offer to work in private deductive firm . First denied then he took the job and Raksha was his first case. He saw her in photo and lost his heart in the cute round brown eyes. No one would even dream to hurt her but her life was in danger. That's why he took her to the forest and that was a beautiful 1.5 month time they enjoyed.

Raksha was enjoying the wind thinking about Prem only Prem. Just then her father came and patted her shoulders. She turned and smiled at him. He rubbed her head with a smile.
Raksha ; dad what dad ??
Dad ; nothing dear i never knew my little daughter turned out to be a fragile flower. She smiled . He hugged her tight. She could feel he was disturbed.
Raksha ; dad anything wrong ?? He nodded nothing.
Dad ; take care Raksha and left her. She was confused with the behaviour of her father. She called Prem.
Prem ; hey its mid night what do u want now ?? Ohh soo desperate to hear my voice i never knew that.
Raksha ; stupid khadoos when on earth I said those words to u ?? Too much imagination not good for health. He smiled
Prem ; so why did u call me Raksha ??
Raksha ; Prem it is dad ..... He was disturbed. Some kind of insecurity was there when he spoke to me...... Prem now alerted..
Prem ; Raksha what did he say ?
Raksha ; he said he never knew i was grown like a fragile flower and he said to take care of me and hugged me. I guess he wept but for what ??
Prem ; shit Raksha get out of the house now
Rafhika ; haa why ??
Prem ; do as i say now get out and instructed her to do some things to make them believe she was sleeping. Prem rushed to her house as he made a temporary hut for himself to safe guard her. She was about to come out but saw few unknown people was proceeding towards the room. Just then she was pulled to a corner..... It was Prem who pulled her and they started from the house. Raksha was not able to understand what was happening ?? A guy found them leaving alerted the others. They were being chased and one point there was a bridge and it was fully flooded.

Prem saw Raksha and said " do u trust me ??
Raksha (nodded) ; yes always.. He held her hand and jumped of the bridge and as that was nigh no one was able to find where they went.

Few days later.......

1 corpse was found and they claimed that it might be Raksha and closed the case and her mother shed so many tears in front of the camera and her father stepped aside and took his mobile and dialled a number.

Dad ; did u see ur mother's acting in tv ??
Raksha ; yes dad i guess she should get Oscars and laughed.
Dad ; sorry Raksha for this i did not have any other option to save u by faking that u r dead.
Raksha ; u did what a lovely dad would do
Dad ; can u give the phone to Prem.
Raksha (shouted) ; Prem phone from dad.....
Prem ; coming and pinched her cheeks and took the phone
Prem ; sir ??
Dad ; take care of my precious Prem. I will never forget the help u have done to me Prem .
Prem ; sure sir always. And pls dont separate like that sir even she is my responsibility i will take care of her and after few minutes he held the call. Prem turned to Raksha and she was munching some carrot pieces and was watching tv again. He smiled at her childish behaviour.
Prem ; Raksha do u like this house ??
Raksha ; like it ?? I love this house. He smiled at her excitement.
Prem ; here Raksha ur fav and he gives a glass of hot drink to her. She takes that from him and he too relaxes himself in the sofa and she sat beside him and drinks the hot drink and relaxes her head over his shoulders and they closes their eyes as they are now where they have to be and they are known to no one around. They are now in a remote place in Himalaya's region and Prem works there as a farm supervisor and Raksha was now the wife of Prem and she lives the way she wanted to............

Thats it guys. I guess its a filmy way...... Pls do spare me for that . Love you all always smile and always stay blessed and stay strong..........


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