Can anyone say me what love is ?? Part 2

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Arjun was restless. Radhika his radhika is speaking like she saw him for the first time. That hurted him a lot. He cursed why he believed him instead of her ??? Radhika pleaded not to trust saral but he did, finally all went out of hands.

Back to their internship days ......

2 girls joined the course. 1 was samaira and the other was bonnie. Both were bff. They were of high fashioned girls and when radhika was about to talk to them they will ignore her. Simple reason, status. Arjun who saw that pulled radhika with himself and took her with him. That was the first time radhika felt something happy by arjun's action. Bonnie fell in love when he did that.
Arjun ; why the hell u spoke to them ??
Radhika ; i was just asking them about the schedule of tomo.
Arjun ; cant u just ask me or saral or neil ?? Why them ??? Radhika was about to speak but saral interrupted and said ; ya radhika how can u think that she can't insult u ??? Radhika knew why was saral speaking like that. Just to butter it. She wanted to end it.
Radhika ; sry arjun sry next time i'll ask u. Happy ??? Arjun was happy.
Arjun ; ice cream ?? Radhika shouted yay. Saral was about to join them but at that time she took neil's bike and arjun sat behind her and they started from there. Saral was burning as always arjun was in upper hand while he was in lower hand.

All went normal neil and sam got to know each other and neil started to spend more time with sam than his best friend arjun and radhika. It was radhika who made him realise that he loves sam and she helped him to express his heart to sam. Sam was soo happy as she always admired the way radhika was being pampered by neil
that was the thing which she loved the most of neil and she got all the pampering from neil. Radhika was seen happy outside but inside she lost her best friend but convinced that he at least he is happy. Arjun noticed the changes version of radhika and he too missed neil and his nonstop excitement talks.
Arjun took her for a small walk and they were very quiet. Radhika finally broke out and hugged arjun and said ; i miss my best friend Arjun. He pacified her and he wiped het tears and said ; im there for u ....
Radhika ; what if u too fall in love and leave me ?? Im done for loosing my friends.
Arjun ; dont worry i will never loose u. She gave a week smile thinking he is saying to convince her but she did not no he meant it. Saral who was following them burnt looking at radhika and arjun together. Ardhika started to spend quality times in radhika's house and he used to drop her on a daily basis and have dinner there and radhika slowly liked him very much.

Saral on other side wanted to break the relationship once and for all as even if he is not loved by radhika arjun should never get radhika.. Radhika knew the real color of saral. Once in the project submission he without other's notice removed arjun's project file. Radhika came to submit her file. When she saw him there he silently slipped and when radhika checked arjun's file was missing. She had a spare of her project and she kept her's with the spare one naming arjun's . Saral who was happy was shell shocked when arjun's project was awarded full mark. From that day she avoided saral.

It was their final week of their internship and arjun wanted to propose her. She was also waiting for him as he called in their usual place of meet other's dont know. To the surprise saral came. Radhika was shell shocked as that was the spit which only ardhika knew.
Saral ; ooh radhika for whom are u waiting ?? Arjun ?? He would be with some girls....
Radhika ; one word more against him.... i donno what i will do.
Saral (laughing) ; Are you threatening me ?? Woo i never knew that and he would be busy with bonnie. Radhika knew bonnie was behind arjun as he himself said that she was behind him. She was staring at saral blank.
Saral ; woo now dont cry im here for u and came to hug her. She pushed him and he slipped.
Saral ; when he hugged u were happy and when i want to hug u you r nit allowing me why ?? Ooh i know he is rich and im poor . So u r back for his money . So how many he had paid. Radhika who was literally crying for those words slapped as he extended his limit. Arjun who saw her slapping was hell angry on radhika. He threw the bouquet which he bought for her and ran to her abd held her shoulders and shouted ; how dare u slap my saral ?? Radhika was hell shocked she was about to speak but saral spoke ; arjun she said she will fake that she will love u and dump you so that she will lead a life with me but i said, but she is threatening me arjun. Save me from her. U saw her slapping me pls save me from her.

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