Angry lover of mine part 1

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A cute story of an angry boyfriend and a talkative girlfriend landing in a jungle, she was his head spinner and he was her knight. Will this lead them to unite ??


Why are u looking at me ?? Is there anything written in my face ?? She nodded yes.
He ; what ??
She ; u r cute even when u are angry and blushed.
He banged his for her impossible nature.
He ; raksha stop flirting with me....... In a totally irritated voice. She smiled and said ; ok i wont flirt can i romance with u . Not too much but a small hug ?? He rolled his eyes and shouted ; no more flirting raksha.
Raksha ; so what should i do ?? No tv no internet nothing . Held in this forest for more than 3 weeks. U r the only person here with me but khadoos.
Prem ; one more time khadoos then thats it.
Raksha ; khadoos and ran away outside the tree house. Prem who had stick in his hand smiled at her impossible nature.

Raksha is a daughter of big shot . She was the only heir of the person. She was kidnapped for money and Prem who was the retired army officer was took charge of her case and he smashed the gang and took her away to the forest as she will not be safe elsewhere and Prem who never likes to speak was accompanied by the repair radio box raksha. Raksha who saw Prem had fallen in love with him the day she saw him when he rescued her from the kidnapers. She always taunts him but for him she was just a responsibility, to take care of her and to protect her and to return her to her parents.
From his pov she was happy even after so many days away from her parents.

Prem who heard raksha's call rushed out panicked as why she called like that . When he saw she was surrounded by 5 to 6 cute peacocks both blue and white peacocks. They spread their feathers and danced and she too danced as the sky was cloudy . Prem for the first time mesmerized in her. He smiles at her and she was in moon when he smiles at her the way she was dreaming to. She runs to him and hugs him tight. He smiles at her behavior and he takes her inside as she may catch cold because of the chillness. A waterfall nearby and a small tree house with many animals like deer and birds everything was perfect for her. Prem was always watching her for her safety but always gave her the free space which she needed.

One night when they were sitting near the fire to overcome the cold, they were wrapped themselves with the blanket and Raksha was munching some eatables which Prem prepared for her with the source which he got from the forest and all the way he was looking at her the way she was munching . Eating as if she was not ever seen her food. Prem (smiling) ; Raksha im not gonna snatch that from you . Eat slowly .
Raksha ; im hungry (with food in her mouth).
Prem ; Haa ?? He was not able to understand as she was speaking in the middle of her munch.
Raksha (after gulping) ; Im hungry. He smiled at her .
Prem ; Can I ask u something ??
Raksha ; Anything my lover boy. He gave a look and said " Fine leave I will not ask you"
Raksha ; Prem pls ask me else my head will break in suspense . Pls..... pls pls pls pls........................ and she was pestering.
Prem ; Ok ......ok............ok ..........(in a much more louder voice for every ok and final ok he shouted) Ok....................
She blinked.
Prem ; Aren't u missing your family . You seems to be happy here why ??? She smiled
Raksha ; Prem can I ask you one thing why are u leaving me free I mean you give me my personal space why ??
Prem ; everyone needs some personal space. They need some privacy.
Raksha ; Exactly that will not be there when I was there. All the time I would be watched. No one believes me even when I was there. Always I was watched.
Prem ; Coz you are precious.
Raksha ; No coz I am the heir of the big industry. Prem was mum.
Raksha ; Prem have you gone for schools and enjoyed with friends ??
Prem ; haa haa you ask me masti I have missed a tomboy in my school and collage.
Raksha ; See I don't have any one in the name of friends. School , collage everything was inside my house. I would be taken out and come back home. It is not home but a den for me that's why I am happy here . I can live the way I want to live and you trust me so I am happy. He smiled at her honesty.
Raksha ; Prem can you say me your childhood masti pls......... Prem nods and starts and they lay on the open ground and with the night sky as the roof he was saying all his happy memories and she was laughing her heart out for his acts. Finally they slept there happily.

Few days later Prem felt something wrong. He says raksha to wait and was about to go...... Raksha holds his hand and was in no mood of leaving him.
Raksha ; Prem don't go don't leave me pls.
Prem ; Look raksha I'll go and find what it is ?? You stay here till I come back soon ok.
Raksha ; No pls not now. And she pleads. Finally Prem speaks by shaking her shoulders.
Prem ; Raksha.......... I promise you what so ever happen I will not leave you I will come back to you. I promise......
Raksha ; Promise ?? with teary eyes.
Prem (wiping her tears and pulling her cheeks to make her smile) ; Promise........ and goes from there........... Raksha peeps out and looks at him going ............ and he vanishes from her eyes.
Raksha(in her heart) ; Prem come back soon

Few months later...........

Raksha was looking at her a picture which she drew. Her Prem she was looking at that picture with a teary eyes.
Raksha ; You promised me that you will be with me then why did you leave me ???? and hugs the picture of Prem .

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