Soul sister part 1

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We were sisters, a crazy lovely sisters coz u will see the craziness which we have . I am radhika and here she is samaira. We were strangers few months back now it is that we depend on each other like sun and sunflower. She is my sun awww that s so super like right sammy ??

Sam gave a moking look and elbowed her and said ; it is supposed to be ur bed time pancake what are u doing ?? Radhika smiled meekly and said my dear cupcake i will sleep only if u say me to sleep u know me i am so much depended on u and ur sweet cursing this care is all wanted from me and she again smiled. Sam knew that she was buttering and held her ears and said now sleep and pulled her to the bed and made her sleep and radhika with her innocent eyes looked at her with a sudden cute voice cupcake will u sleep with me here pls and she twinkled her eyes. Sam saw her with a fake anger and smiled the next second coz they were 2 body one soul. She laughed and hugged her tight and said let me change and come ok. Radhika nodded and they slept peacefully hugging each other.

Samaira and Radhika they were from different parts of the country on is from north one is from south but they came to know each other and now here they are the best buddies of all. Radhika who never had a elder sister was cherishing her longing for care yet pulling of legs and also a demanding her to do the thing which will be suitable for her was made done by sammy to radhika.

One fine day radhika was dull sad.... Sammy who came back from her work saw her dull face. For sammy radhika's one look will say her what is radhika thinking coz she understands her well next to her mother.

Sammy sat next to her and pulled her chin up and looked deep into her eyes and asked what happened pancake.

Radhika ; nothing sam . Sam confirmed that something was bothering coz radhika always calls sam as cupcake but she is calling her by name confirmed that she was disturbed. Radhika was about to move but sam held her by shoulders and made her sit and cupped her face and said ; why is my little pancake is so sad u know me u cannot hide anything from me so say me. Radhika was silent then she saw sam and her eyes flat she spoke her heart to Sam , cupcake u know a guy by name saral he is pestering me and saying that he loves me. Sam was now alert and radhika continued and today he proposed me infront of all i was like why me ?? why cant some one u idiot.

Sam ; what did u do then ?? in a angry yet caring voice. I ran from there and all in the office are looking at me in weird way so i came from there the next moment. Sam's blood boiled how come someone tease her little sister. She knew if she is taking her to the office radhika will not accept it so she lied that she is taking her for a near by temple. Radhika changed and she with sam started in sam's bike. Sam straight away made her way to radhika's office. Radhika held sam's hand but it was no use coz sam is not only known for her care is also known for her action. She went straight to saral and asked radhika is he the one who proposed u ?? Radhika was blinking . Sam in her higher tone Radhika ?? She jerked and said yes he is the one. Sam held his collar and said in a low yet a threatening voice dare not put your eyes on her else u will have to face the worst mister who so ever u are....... Saral was trying to remove her hand from his collar but her grip was so tight the more he tries to remove his shirt the more it is getting torn. He was burning in anger. His friend was about to hit her from the back and radhika who was busy looking at them did not notice. Sam saw that in Saral's eyes and with one hand she slapped the guy hard. He stood motionless it was pin drop silence and radhika jerked because of the sound and then after few seconds he fell down and was like a folded paper. She turned to see saral and he was now sweating bad. Sam jerked his collar and said in a big roar one more person coming near her will face a more from me because she is my little sister mark that in ur dumb mind get that ?? All jerked and Sam held radhika's hand and radhika poked her tongue to saral and went with Sam. But a pair of eyes was astonished to see a woman with power. Once outside the building radhika pounced over sam and hugged her and kissed her hard.

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