Can anyone say me what love is ?? Part 1

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Love is not always happy for all.. it gives pain same for radhika who thought her life will be colourful was now meaningless because of Arjun's mistrust... he who loved her like anything hurted her... when he came to regret it... it was too late she left him...

will he be able to find her... will she be happy with him... or they will not see at all ?? let us see...


Arjun who was done for the day starts home. He reaches and was welcomed by his sweet wife radhika. She welcomes him with a smile in which he lost his heart always. He was just staring at her. She gestures him what by raising her eye brows.
Arjun ; why r u so beautiful ??
Radhika (giggles) ; because im ur wife so i will always be beautiful to ur eyes the way u r for me the only handsome guy ever. Arjun slightly pinches her cheeks.
Arjun ; wrath (his nickname for her as he kept that she was short tempered and wrath means anger) ; where is anju ?? Anju 3 year old daughter of ardhika, their precious gem.
Radhika ; busy coloring. Not allowed to enter the room as she is drawing a picture for us. Wait i'll bring u something to eat..... U go and change in the other room i have kept the dress once she started to draw. He smiled and stood up. She left the room and he was just looking at her. The life which he is living a gifted life but this gift was not gifted to him so easily. For which he had shed tears and she had suffered a lot too. He changes and looks at their wedding picture which was taken. For that day how much he would have suffered. He closes his eyes and remembers everything.

5 years before.....

Arjun was from a collage and radhika was from other collage. They both met in the internship program in a same place with a certificate course. Arjun was really well of always surrounded by his friends many are really nice but one always be with him, his close friend saral. For arjun, saral meant everything but for saral he was using Arjun. He always had jealousy for him as he was fair.... he was a bit dark complex and arjun had anything but he was from a normal family.

But to the contrary arjun always considered him as his soul brother. Then she came radhika . She was a talkative, so childish behavior loves to make friends and always listens to whatever her mother says as she was the official person who advises radhika regarding any things. She quickly became friends with arjun and team. Arjun who saw her lost his heart but never spoke out. She was always talking and she was really close to neil her best friend. They used to talk as he and she were like a replica of each other and never shuts their mouth. Arjun always admires her talk. Saral who had eye on radhika found out that arjun loves radhika...

All went well one day radhika's father did not come to pick her up. Arjun who started home saw her in the bus stand. It was a bit late. He came out of his car and saw radhika. Radhika saw him and smiled.
Radhika ; Arjun what happened ?? You did not start home ??
Arjun ; Well was started and what are you doing here that too at this time ??
Radhika ; Papa had some work so I am waiting for the bus.
Arjun ; But the bus to your house is not that frequent right ??
Radhika ; I will go to the depo by catching the bus and from there will catch a share auto.
Arjun ; It is not safe to go like that in this late time. Come I'll drop u home. She was reluctant.
Just then her mother called her.
Radhika ; Ma bus has not yet come ma......
Mala ; Radhika do any of your friends there with you ??
Radhika ; Ya ma my friend is there with me Arjun. Arjun was shocked that she was speaking him to her. But she was speaking to her mom so freely and she was making mala recognize by all the acts he did and his eyes widened the way she was giving description. To the surprise her mother allowed her to come with the car of Arjun. She nodded and sat inside the car . Arjun was just staring at the way she was looking doing.

She lowered the car glass and said " Come in I need to drop you home and she winked her eyes. He rolled his eyes and sat inside the car and asked the driver to go to his house. Radhika jerked and said " But you said you will drop me home, now you are saying to go to your house ??"
Arjun ; Relax radhika you will go home but first I want you to take me to my house and then to your house. Radhika nodded and she pulled his mobile and she started to play with his mobile. After sometime when she was playing Arjun banged her head as she was not playing well.
Arjun ; Not like this you have to jump here else you will loose the game ??
Radhika ; How ?? How show me ??
Arjun took the mobile and she was peeping and looking at the mobile....
Arjun ; See like this .....
Radhika ; Oooh..... and she was playing the game but the mobile was in his hands. After sometime Arjun was just looking at her without blinking and she was just playing and she won finally the game. She shouted because of the won and suddenly she closed her mouth. Arjun was just smiling at her for her behavior.

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