This is how my parent's got married - part 2

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Days went.... they both were really indulged in their work... they never knew silently their life is getting tangled to each other... from no where a proposal knocked the house of her... Jiya her name... she was one quite fellow... follows her fathers words like a rule... 

One fine evening finishing her work she came back home... to the contrary there were many slippers outside her house than the normal one... with the confused state she came inside and then with the people of many count she came to know what was the situation was... the groom has come to see her... He turned to see her and she was looking at him... Donno why he lost his heart the minute he saw her... He was one prankster... a gang head... a head turner of his whole gang was just staring at her even without blinking.... she went in with a normal stare but her heart was beating in an unusual way... 

Stupid heart cursing it she was asked come out changed... when he asked some time to speak in person with Jiya she was standing pretending to be not affected but inside her heart was beating all hard... 

Hiee my name is Chandran u can call me chandru... she gave one plain stare at him... gulping hard he said i just wanna say...... dhak dhak dhak dhak...... 

I like you... this marriage will happen 99.99 % but 0.01% with the help of god... saying so he left her with his well known smile... She was totally blown... no one dared to speak to her the way he did and this made him to earn a place in her heart... 

That night she lost her sleep... there was not a single reason to say yes but not a single reason to say no either... she was confused... turning to the other side she saw her sister sleeping with her new born son all sound... slowly tiptoed she came to her house terrace and when she turned and she saw him sitting in his mami's terrace and never leaving the site of her... Blushing she ran into her house.. he made one twist and went inside his house all happy.... 

She said yes to him... something in him was really attracting her... The next day there was one letter from him saying thank you so much for accepting my proposal... she replied with one thank you in her letter... 

Their love was growing with daily letters... the post man was really pissed off because the one who is posting was receiving... Chandru... he used to post the previous day and the next day used to come to her house in the evening and receive the letter and give one thank you for your service smile and she will giggle at the pissed off post man's face... 

Jiya ; What is this ?? pointing at the letter...

Chandru  ; I was thinking of you last night and suddenly i got this song into my head... i couldn't find the right lyrics... 

Jiya ; so u wrote your own lines... she asked with folding her arms...he nodded with a pressed lip smile... she giggled and said its not that line but this... saying so she said those lines... 

May 10 1991... 

They both got engaged... it was a simple engagement... this made the love birds to enjoy their happy times together... before engagement they used to visit casually... which was planned by chandru but for jiya it was an unexpected encounter... then after engagement they right royally started to roam the entire city... Taking the Yezdi bike he used to come from one district to another just to meet his lady... 

It made Jiya's father to think and prepond the wedding date exactly a month before... 

They were a certified young lovers who used to enjoy their time of love with each other... 

July 10th 1991 they promised each other 7 lives to live with each other and after crossing many ups and downs they are now here as a perfect couple...

saying this i drank one full glass of water... Arjun was looking at me with eyes wide open... suddenly i heard their love song... dad still dont know that i knew the secret behind this song but mom being mom said everything... starting from my dad's first gift a saree to his love letters... but sadly i couldn't read those letters... really need to know the romantic words of my dad... 

So you mean to say it was a love marriage he asked... They made sure it was arranged marriage Arjun... i said... and as a daughter of these love birds am i expecting something more haan i asked him... Never u never asked anything more... i dont know whether i can be like uncle but i can assure u that i will try to improve... he said. 

Raising my eye brows i gave one nod and when i opened my room's door i saw my fav couple sitting and eating their food... yet again dad was spilling the food while taking it to his plate and mom banging her head and pulling the spoon from his hand and serving him with the food... my brother who knew what will happen took his plate and sat in the hall as if they never exist...

If i am not wrong they were fighting right... he asked... Who ?? them ?? look mister... trust any one but never these 2 and if u enter into their fight they both will form one team supporting each other and making us a fool... do u get that... i said he nodded vigorously... 

So this is how they got married ?? he asked...

Yes this is how they got married....


Tadaa bunny here... so this is how my parent's really got married... tomo they are celebrating their wedding anniversary and i wish them all happiness craziness and love in their life... always... wish them for me pls.... this is just a glimpse of what their love story was... really i just wrote 10 %  which i came to know...i knew these love birds were really too much than this story... he he he my parent....

So so so how was their love story... did u all enjoyed it... pls paint the stars orange and also share me your views... muhhhhaaaa love u all soo much.... 

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