Chapter 4

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"Dad!" Nightback ran over to see what had happened, leaving Seajumper and Emberwing alone. The two looked at each other before looking back at their friend. Drift and Strongarm take Steeljaw to Med Bay and lay him down, and Strongarm and Fixit see to him. He was all dented in with a big slash going across his stomach.

"Mom, what happened? Is Dad okay?"

"Not sure, he's been wounded really bad."

"Drift, can you take Nightback outside please?" Fixit asked as he started working on Steeljaw. With a nod, Drift ushered the young mech outside.

Strongarm managed to stop the leaking of Energon, "Don't you dare leave us, Steeljaw. Don't you dare leave me." Lubricant started forming in her optics. He was in critical condition and Strongarm and Fixit weren't sure if he was going to make it.

STEELJAW!! Strongarm sent him a wave of longing and worry. He couldn't leave her and their son. DON'T LEAVE US, STEELJAW!! WE NEED YOU, I NEED YOU!! Strongarm and Fixit start patching up the wound and Fixit injects some Energon into him.


Nightback was outside with Drift, looking at the Alchemor with worry, "Will dad be okay?" He asked with lubricant forming in his optics. His mom was scared and he didn't know why.

"I'm sure he will be."

"What happened?"

"We were looking for scattered Decepticons and two got the jump on us, one of them got into it with your mother, he was getting ready to take her out when your father attacked him to save her life. He got into a fight with him and the 'Con beat him down."

"But how can Dad lose? He never loses."

"They were Wolf-Cons and the one he fought just so happened to be stronger than him. I would also guess that he was too concerned for your mother's well-being that he wasn't fully focused on the fight, and actually, he has lost fights before."

"He has?"

"Yes, a few to Bumblebee and even one to your mother, though he was never wounded like this." Nightback curled his servos into fists as anger washed over him like a storm. "The last thing you need is to be controlled by anger," Drift told him.

"Listen to Drift, Nightback." Nightback gasped as he backed away from Metalsound, who had managed to sneak up on them while in her beast form. "You must promise that you will stay here and let the grown-ups deal with this."

"I promise."

"Good, the twins will stay with you, Seajumper, and Emberwing. Drift, Bumblebee needs your help, Megatron and the others are on their way to help him. I'll stay with Strongarm," she told the warrior as she left to keep an optic on Strongarm. Drift heads off to meet up with Bumblebee.

Nightback stayed where he was and Emberwing slowly approached him in her beast form, "Nightback, are you okay?"

"My dad is seriously wounded and might die. Do you think I'm okay?" He snaps at her. Emberwing flinched.

Seajumper places a servo on his shoulder, "We know it's hard for you right now. We're both here for you."

"I would also be upset if Papa or Oka-san got hurt," Emberwing responded quietly.

Seajumper nodded in agreement, "Me too, none of us likes to see our parents in this state."

The twins walked over to check on the three, "Don't worry, Nightback. Steeljaw's going to be alright," Slipstream tried to comfort the sparkling.

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